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Andersen, M, Kleindienst, S, Yi, L, Lee, J, Bodart, M and Cutler, B (2008) An intuitive daylighting performance analysis and optimization approach. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 593–607.
Canter, D (2008) Do we need a metatheory of the built environment?. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 663–7.
Ho, D C W, Chau, K W and Yau, Y (2008) Evaluating unauthorized appendages in private apartment buildings. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 568–79.
Hu, D, Mohamed, Y, Taghaddos, H and Hermann, U ( (2018) A simulation-based method for effective workface planning of industrial construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 328–47.
Mahapatra, K and Gustavsson, L (2008) Multi-storey timber buildings: breaking industry path dependency. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 638–48.
Reymen, I M M J, Dewulf, G P M R and Blokpoel, S B (2008) Framework for managing uncertainty in property projects. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 580–92.
Ryu, S-R, Rhee, K-N, Yeo, M-S and Kim, K-W (2008) Strategies for flow rate balancing in radiant floor heating systems. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 625–37.
Sanchez, B and Haas, C (2018) Capital project planning for a circular economy. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 303–12.
Snyder, J R, Dilaver, O, Stephenson, L C, Mackie, J E and Smith, S D (2018) Agent-based modelling and construction – reconstructing antiquity’s largest infrastructure project. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 313–27.
Szalay, Z (2008) Modelling building stock geometry for energy, emission and mass calculations. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 557–67.
Ye, M, Lu, W, Flanagan, R and Ye, K (2018) Diversification in the international construction business. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 348–61.
Yun, G Y, Steemers, K and Baker, N (2008) Natural ventilation in practice: linking facade design, thermal performance, occupant perception and control. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 608–24.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: adaptive behaviour; building performance; facade design; natural ventilation; night-time ventilation; occupant behaviour; occupant perception; window control; UK
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613210802417241
- Abstract:
The action of opening a window is the most intuitive and simple response to controlling overheating in a room. However, it relies on the vagaries of occupant interaction to exploit the passive design potential and achieve comfortable results. An understanding of occupant behaviour is thus of significance in the design and evaluation of naturally ventilated buildings. This paper demonstrates the link between facade design, thermal performance, occupant perception, and window use in naturally ventilated offices in summer, based on a pilot study monitoring offices in Cambridge, UK. Survey results indicate that facade design has a large impact on the occupants' perceived control over and satisfaction with their environments. The research reveals that there is a close connection between perceived control and actual control (with respect to window use), and that occupants with a high level of perceived control more frequently use their windows than others with a low level of perceived control. Positive feedback loops between occupant action and effect reinforce appropriate behaviour and the paper shows that it is possible to derive statistically significant behavioural models to predict window use for different facade conditions.
Zemke, D M V and Pullman, M (2008) Assessing the value of good design in hotels. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 543–56.