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Andersen, M, Kleindienst, S, Yi, L, Lee, J, Bodart, M and Cutler, B (2008) An intuitive daylighting performance analysis and optimization approach. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 593–607.
Canter, D (2008) Do we need a metatheory of the built environment?. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 663–7.
Ho, D C W, Chau, K W and Yau, Y (2008) Evaluating unauthorized appendages in private apartment buildings. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 568–79.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: apartment buildings; building safety; governance; residential buildings; unauthorized appendages; unauthorized building works; Hong Kong
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613210802386198
- Abstract:
Hong Kong is a densely populated city where high-rise buildings are common. In such an environment, building failures can pose a serious threat. Unauthorized building works, which are constructed without prior approval and consent from the government, are responsible for certain building-related accidents. In particular, those unauthorized building works attached to the external envelopes of buildings endanger the lives not only of their occupants, but also of passers-by and they cause damage to properties themselves. An overview of the proliferation of unauthorized building works in Hong Kong is provided followed by the first known empirical study on this topic. After inspecting 323 apartment buildings in two districts, the factors affecting the proliferation of unauthorized building works were analysed. It was found that buildings with amenities incorporated into their designs generally had fewer unauthorized building works on their external envelopes. However, owners associations or property management companies did not have any influence on unauthorized building work numbers for their buildings. These findings have far-reaching implications on the formulation of government policies for building safety. The formation of statutory owners associations or the engagement of property management companies is not effective in containing the unauthorized building work problems in Hong Kong. Community education and stricter law enforcement would be more effective.
Hu, D, Mohamed, Y, Taghaddos, H and Hermann, U ( (2018) A simulation-based method for effective workface planning of industrial construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 328–47.
Mahapatra, K and Gustavsson, L (2008) Multi-storey timber buildings: breaking industry path dependency. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 638–48.
Reymen, I M M J, Dewulf, G P M R and Blokpoel, S B (2008) Framework for managing uncertainty in property projects. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 580–92.
Ryu, S-R, Rhee, K-N, Yeo, M-S and Kim, K-W (2008) Strategies for flow rate balancing in radiant floor heating systems. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 625–37.
Sanchez, B and Haas, C (2018) Capital project planning for a circular economy. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 303–12.
Snyder, J R, Dilaver, O, Stephenson, L C, Mackie, J E and Smith, S D (2018) Agent-based modelling and construction – reconstructing antiquity’s largest infrastructure project. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 313–27.
Szalay, Z (2008) Modelling building stock geometry for energy, emission and mass calculations. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 557–67.
Ye, M, Lu, W, Flanagan, R and Ye, K (2018) Diversification in the international construction business. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 348–61.
Yun, G Y, Steemers, K and Baker, N (2008) Natural ventilation in practice: linking facade design, thermal performance, occupant perception and control. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 608–24.
Zemke, D M V and Pullman, M (2008) Assessing the value of good design in hotels. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 543–56.