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Andersen, M, Kleindienst, S, Yi, L, Lee, J, Bodart, M and Cutler, B (2008) An intuitive daylighting performance analysis and optimization approach. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 593–607.
Canter, D (2008) Do we need a metatheory of the built environment?. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 663–7.
Ho, D C W, Chau, K W and Yau, Y (2008) Evaluating unauthorized appendages in private apartment buildings. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 568–79.
Hu, D, Mohamed, Y, Taghaddos, H and Hermann, U ( (2018) A simulation-based method for effective workface planning of industrial construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 328–47.
Mahapatra, K and Gustavsson, L (2008) Multi-storey timber buildings: breaking industry path dependency. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 638–48.
Reymen, I M M J, Dewulf, G P M R and Blokpoel, S B (2008) Framework for managing uncertainty in property projects. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 580–92.
Ryu, S-R, Rhee, K-N, Yeo, M-S and Kim, K-W (2008) Strategies for flow rate balancing in radiant floor heating systems. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 625–37.
Sanchez, B and Haas, C (2018) Capital project planning for a circular economy. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 303–12.
Snyder, J R, Dilaver, O, Stephenson, L C, Mackie, J E and Smith, S D (2018) Agent-based modelling and construction – reconstructing antiquity’s largest infrastructure project. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 313–27.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Heritage; project management; Byzantine Constantinople; archaeological Engineering; agent-based modelling;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0144-6193
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/01446193.2017.1403639
- Abstract:
Archaeological remains around the world are testament that large-scale construction projects have been successfully carried out for millennia. This success is particularly evident through the great infrastructural works of the Roman Empire. Yet, it was when the capital was moved from Rome to Constantinople that the largest of these projects was undertaken. This megaproject of the fourth- and fifth-century water supply was made of hundreds of kilometres aqueduct channels and bridges that brought fresh water to the city’s complex system of reservoirs and cisterns. Unlike projects of the previous centuries, we are left with no written record of how this titanic project was undertaken and existing archaeological and historical commentaries on structures of this period do not provide details of organization of construction. We explore the nature of building Constantinople’s water supply through diverse sources of knowledge and the application of agent-based modelling – a method for simulating the actions, interactions and behaviours of autonomous agents and the resulting emergent properties of the system in which they are a part. This paper demonstrates the ability of ABM to develop and test richer hypotheses about historical construction organization and management than physical and historical evidence on their own.
Szalay, Z (2008) Modelling building stock geometry for energy, emission and mass calculations. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 557–67.
Ye, M, Lu, W, Flanagan, R and Ye, K (2018) Diversification in the international construction business. Construction Management and Economics, 36(06), 348–61.
Yun, G Y, Steemers, K and Baker, N (2008) Natural ventilation in practice: linking facade design, thermal performance, occupant perception and control. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 608–24.
Zemke, D M V and Pullman, M (2008) Assessing the value of good design in hotels. Building Research & Information, 36(06), 543–56.