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Baharudin, M R, Nasruddin, H N, Rahman, A A, Mahadi, M R and Noor, S B M (2018) Numerical model for individual time calculation for evacuation among secondary students. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(05), 450–70.

Chung, H C P and Adeyeye, K (2018) Structural flood damage and the efficacy of property-level flood protection. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(05), 471–99.

Esteves, I C, Medeiros-Junior, R A and Medeiros, M H (2018) NDT for bridges durability assessment on urban-industrial environment in Brazil. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(05), 500–15.

Gluch, P and Svensson, I (2018) On the nexus of changing public facilities management practices: purposive and co-creative actions across multiple levels. Construction Management and Economics, 36(05), 259–75.

Green, S D, Harty, C, Elmualim, A A, Larsen, G D and Kao, C C (2008) On the discourse of construction competitiveness. Building Research & Information, 36(05), 426–35.

Hartmann, A, Reymen, I M M J and Van Oosterom, G (2008) Factors constituting the innovation adoption environment of public clients. Building Research & Information, 36(05), 436–49.

Lee, C and Moudon, A V (2008) Neighbourhood design and physical activity. Building Research & Information, 36(05), 395–411.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: active living; built environment; cycling; design; health; neighbourhood; physical activity; public health; spatial configuration; urban design; walking; well-being
  • ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613210802045547
  • Abstract:
    Health problems related to physical inactivity have become a global health challenge affecting people from the full spectrum of income, age, and ethnicity. This paper examines if neighbourhood environments are associated with physical activity, especially walking and cycling. It analyses 608 respondent survey data from Washington State in the US and Geographic Information System-derived measures of the neighbourhood environment. Respondents reported traffic volume to be the most significant barrier, and good lighting to be the most important facilitator of walking and cycling. Utilitarian destinations, such as grocery stores, restaurants, retail stores and convenience stores, were significant correlates of walking and moderate-intensity physical activities, while housing type, sports facility and transportation infrastructure were correlated with vigorous physical activities. Active people rated higher for their neighbourhood attributes including safety, visual quality, knowing neighbours, seeing many other people walking and cycling, and the availability of sports facilities, parks, and bike racks. Simple interventions such as street lighting, pavements/sidewalks, street trees, benches, bike lanes or trails, bike racks, and traffic-calming devices appeared to hold some promise in promoting physical activities in neighbourhoods. Long-term solutions should include strategies to enhance overall aesthetics, safety, accessibility, street connectivity, and social interactions among neighbours.

Loosemore, M and Bridgeman, J (2018) The social impact of construction industry schools-based corporate volunteering. Construction Management and Economics, 36(05), 243–58.

Malmqvist, T (2008) Environmental rating methods: selecting indoor environmental quality (IEQ) aspects and indicators. Building Research & Information, 36(05), 466–85.

McDermott, V, Zhang, R P, Hopkins, A and Hayes, J (2018) Constructing safety: investigating senior executive long-term incentive plans and safety objectives in the construction sector. Construction Management and Economics, 36(05), 276–90.

Moon, H J and Augenbroe, G (2008) Empowerment of decision-makers in mould remediation. Building Research & Information, 36(05), 486–98.

Oswald, D, Sherratt, F, Smith, S D and Hallowell, M R (2018) Exploring safety management challenges for multi-national construction workforces: a UK case study. Construction Management and Economics, 36(05), 291–301.

Palaneeswaran, E, Love, P E D, Kumaraswamy, M M and Ng, T S T (2008) Mapping rework causes and effects using artificial neural networks. Building Research & Information, 36(05), 450–65.

Sanni-Anibire, M O, Hassanain, M A, Mahmoud, A S and Ahmed, W (2018) An evaluation of the functional performance of research and academic laboratories using the space syntax approach. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(05), 516–28.

Sartori, I, Bergsdal, H, Muller, D B and Brattebo, H (2008) Towards modelling of construction, renovation and demolition activities: Norway's dwelling stock, 1900-2100. Building Research & Information, 36(05), 412–25.

Shirleyana, Hawken, S and Sunindijo, R Y (2018) City of Kampung: risk and resilience in the urban communities of Surabaya, Indonesia. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(05), 543–68.

Yazdani Mehr, S and Wilkinson, S (2018) Technical issues and energy efficient adaptive reuse of heritage listed city halls in Queensland Australia. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(05), 529–42.