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Abu Hanipah, A F F and Tahar, K N (2018) Development of the 3D dome model based on a terrestrial laser scanner. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(02), 122–36.
Adebisi, E O, Ojo, S O and Alao, O O (2018) Assessment of factors influencing the failure and abandonment of multi-storey building projects in Nigeria. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(02), 210–31.
Artmann, N, Gyalistras, D, Manz, H and Heiselberg, P (2008) Impact of climate warming on passive night cooling potential. Building Research & Information, 36(02), 28.
Chua, S J L, Zubbir, N B, Ali, A S and Au-Yong, C P (2018) Maintenance of high-rise residential buildings. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(02), 137–51.
de Bem, D H, Lima, D P B and Medeiros-Junior, R A (2018) Effect of chemical admixtures on concrete’s electrical resistivity. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(02), 174–87.
Galasiu, A D and Reinhart, C F (2008) Current daylighting design practice: a survey. Building Research & Information, 36(02), 74.
Gorgolewski, M (2008) Designing with reused building components: some challenges. Building Research & Information, 36(02), 88.
Jensen, J O and Gram-Hanssen, K (2008) Ecological modernization of sustainable buildings: a Danish perspective. Building Research & Information, 36(02), 58.
Joseph, A and Hamilton, D K (2008) The Pebble Projects: coordinated evidence-based case studies. Building Research & Information, 36(02), 45.
Kokkonen, A and Vaagaasar, A L (2018) Managing collaborative space in multi-partner projects. Construction Management and Economics, 36(02), 83-95.
Kulkarni, S S, Chapman, C, Shah, H and Edwards, D J (2018) A computational design method for bio-mimicked horizontal axis tidal turbines. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(02), 188–209.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Comparative analysis; Horizontal axis tidal turbine; Tidal energy; Bio-mimicry; Direct design method;
- ISBN/ISSN: 2398-4708
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1108/IJBPA-06-2017-0029
- Abstract:
The purpose of this paper is to conduct a comparative analysis between a straight blade (SB) and a curved caudal-fin tidal turbine blade (CB) and to examine the aspects relating to geometry, turbulence modelling, non-dimensional forces lift and power coefficients.Design/methodology/approach The comparison utilises results obtained from a default horizontal axis tidal turbine with turbine models available from the literature. A computational design method was then developed and implemented for “horizontal axis tidal turbine blade”. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results for the blade design are presented in terms of lift coefficient distribution at mid-height blades, power coefficients and blade surface pressure distributions. Moving the CB back towards the SB ensures that the total blade height stays constant for all geometries. A 3D mesh independency study of a “straight blade horizontal axis tidal turbine blade” modelled using CFD was carried out. The grid convergence study was produced by employing two turbulence models, the standard k-ε model and shear stress transport (SST) in ANSYS CFX. Three parameters were investigated: mesh resolution, turbulence model, and power coefficient in the initial CFD, analysis.Findings It was found that the mesh resolution and the turbulence model affect the power coefficient results. The power coefficients obtained from the standard k-ε model are 15 to 20 per cent lower than the accuracy of the SST model. Further analysis was performed on both the designed blades using ANSYS CFX and SST turbulence model. The variation in pressure distributions yields to the varying lift coefficient distribution across blade spans. The lift coefficient reached its peak between 0.75 and 0.8 of the blade span where the total lift accelerates with increasing pressure before drastically dropping down at 0.9 onwards due to the escalating rotational velocity of the blades.Originality/value The work presents a computational design methodological approach that is entirely original. While this numerical method has proven to be accurate and robust for many traditional tidal turbines, it has now been verified further for CB tidal turbines.
Loosemore, M and Lim, B T H (2018) Mapping corporate social responsibility strategies in the construction and engineering industry. Construction Management and Economics, 36(02), 67-82.
Odoemena, A T and Horita, M (2018) A strategic analysis of contract termination in public-private partnerships: Implications from cases in Sub-Saharan Africa. Construction Management and Economics, 36(02), 96-108.
Olivieri, H, Seppänen, O and Denis Granja, A (2018) Improving workflow and resource usage in construction schedules through location-based management system. Construction Management and Economics, 36(02), 109-24.
Roberts, C J, Pärn, E A, Edwards, D J and Aigbavboa, C (2018) Digitalising asset management: concomitant benefits and persistent challenges. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(02), 152–73.
Short, A C (2008) What is 'architectural design research'?. Building Research & Information, 36(02), 195–9.