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Al-Kheetan, M J, Rahman, M M and Chamberlain, D A (2018) Remediation and protection of masonry structures with crystallising moisture blocking treatment. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(01), 77–92.
Ali, A S, Azmi, N F and Baaki, T K (2018) Cost performance of building refurbishment works: the case of Malaysia. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(01), 41–62.
Andersen, L P, Nørdam, L, Joensson, T, Kines, P and Nielsen, K J (2018) Social identity, safety climate and self-reported accidents among construction workers. Construction Management and Economics, 36(01), 22-31.
Bourgeois, D, Reinhart, C F and Ward, G (2008) Standard daylight coefficient model for dynamic daylighting simulations. Building Research & Information, 36(01), 68–82.
Enshassi, A, Ayash, A and Mohamed, S (2018) Key barriers to the implementation of energy-management strategies in building construction projects. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(01), 15–40.
Gaspar, P L and Brito, J D (2008) Service life estimation of cement-rendered facades. Building Research & Information, 36(01), 44–55.
Hietajärvi, A-M and Aaltonen, K (2018) The formation of a collaborative project identity in an infrastructure alliance project. Construction Management and Economics, 36(01), 1-21.
Hosseini, M R, Roelvink, R, Papadonikolaki, E, Edwards, D J and Pärn, E (2018) Integrating BIM into facility management. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(01), 2–14.
Lindelöf, D and Morel, N (2008) Bayesian estimation of visual discomfort. Building Research & Information, 36(01), 83–96.
Ogbeifun, E, Mbohwa, C and Pretorius, J C (2018) Developing an effective renovation plan: the influence of data collection tools. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(01), 63–76.
Opawole, A and Jagboro, G O (2018) Compensation mechanisms for minimizing private party risks in concession-based public-private partnership contracts. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 36(01), 93–120.
Pan, W, Gibb, A G F and Dainty, A R J (2008) Leading UK housebuilders' utilization of offsite construction methods. Building Research & Information, 36(01), 56–67.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: construction; housebuilding; innovation; manufacturing; Modern Methods of Construction (MMC); offsite; UK
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=article&issn=0961-3218&volume=36&issue=1&spage=56
- Abstract:
In recent years the construction industry has been exhorted to increase its utilization of offsite technologies, or 'Modern Methods of Construction' (MMC), in order to address the under-supply and poor build quality of housing. Despite the well-rehearsed benefits of such technologies, the take-up within the industry has been slow. This paper reports on research that examined housebuilders' practices and strategies regarding the use of offsite-MMC. A questionnaire survey of the top 100 housebuilders in the UK and a series of interviews were used to reveal the extent to which such technologies are being utilized and the factors which impinge on their popularity. The findings suggest that current offsite-MMC usage in large housebuilders is low, but that the level is likely to increase, given the pressures to improve quality, time, cost, productivity, and health and safety. The wider take-up of offsite-MMC is, however, inhibited by perceived higher capital costs, interfacing problems, long lead-in time, delayed planning process, and current manufacturing capacity. Based on these findings, the paper provides a set of strategies for improving offsite-MMC practices amongst housebuilders. It is hoped that will help deliver an improvement of housing supply in the UK.
Peltokorpi, A, Olivieri, H, Granja, A D and Seppänen, O (2018) Categorizing modularization strategies to achieve various objectives of building investments. Construction Management and Economics, 36(01), 32-48.
Pivo, G (2008) Responsible property investment criteria developed using the Delphi Method. Building Research & Information, 36(01), 20–36.
Sha, K, Yang, J and b, R S (2008) Competitiveness assessment system for China's construction industry. Building Research & Information, 36(01), 97–109.
Sundquist, V, Gadde, L-E and Hulthén, K (2018) Reorganizing construction logistics for improved performance. Construction Management and Economics, 36(01), 49-65.
Tam, V W Y and Tam, C M (2008) Waste reduction through incentives: a case study. Building Research & Information, 36(01), 37–43.
Yang, W and Kohler, N (2008) Simulation of the evolution of the Chinese building and infrastructure stock. Building Research & Information, 36(01), 1–19.