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Aboshia, A M A, Rahmat, R A, Zain, M F M and Ismail, A (2017) Enhancing mortar strengths by ternary geopolymer binder of metakaolin, slag, and palm ash. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35(05), 438–55.
Bergsdal, H, Brattebø, H, Bohne, R A and Müller, D B (2007) Dynamic material flow analysis for Norway's dwelling stock. Building Research & Information, 35(05), 557–70.
Bradley, P E and Kohler, N (2007) Methodology for the survival analysis of urban building stocks. Building Research & Information, 35(05), 529–42.
Buser, M and Carlsson, V (2017) What you see is not what you get: Single-family house renovation and energy retrofit seen through the lens of sociomateriality. Construction Management and Economics, 35(05), 276-87.
Ding, G K C (2007) Life cycle energy assessment of Australian secondary schools. Building Research & Information, 35(05), 487–500.
Dorst, K (2007) Building for the visual age. Building Research & Information, 35(05), 581–3.
Eppler, M J (2007) Toward a visual turn in collaboration analysis?. Building Research & Information, 35(05), 584–7.
Francis, V (2017) What influences professional women's career advancement in construction?. Construction Management and Economics, 35(05), 254-75.
Glew, D, Smith, M B, Miles-Shenton, D and Gorse, C (2017) Assessing the quality of retrofits in solid wall dwellings. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35(05), 501–18.
Goh, E and Loosemore, M (2017) The impacts of industrialization on construction subcontractors: A resource-based view. Construction Management and Economics, 35(05), 288-304.
Lingard, H and Turner, M (2017) Promoting construction workers' health: A multi-level system perspective. Construction Management and Economics, 35(05), 239-53.
Nicolini, D (2007) Studying visual practices in construction. Building Research & Information, 35(05), 576–80.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: collaboration; communication; design process; knowledge exchange; situated knowledge; social context; visual practices
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=article&issn=0961-3218&volume=35&issue=5&spage=576
- Abstract:
The significance of the Building Research & Information special issue on 'Visual Practices: Images of Knowledge Work' (2007) is that it provides a window on a different and, in some ways, alternative mode of describing and theorizing the work of design professionals through the visual dimension of construction work, and it offers a more realistic view of visual practices. It shows that design activity is not a linear process composed of steps or phases; instead, design practice can be better understood as a social and material choreography. Three important themes emerge. First, visual artefacts have an active role in making things happen in the construction process. An enhanced understanding can prevent the blunders deriving from using inappropriate tools. Second, visual artefacts only become meaningful when applied within the context of a complex and 'messy' practice through understanding the interconnections of people, things, and discourses. The capacity of visual materials to contribute actively to the design process strongly depends on when different artefacts are introduced, their relation to specific activities, and how they are used in conjunction with other tools. Third, visual practices have an important capacity to support or prevent collaboration of different and, at times, distant parties and interests. Visual artefacts can operate as 'boundary objects', thereby creating a simultaneous response to different concerns and serving as common points of reference.
Nieboer, N (2017) Improving energy performance of Dutch homes: coping with general investment behaviours. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35(05), 488–500.
Oladokun, V O, Proverbs, D G and Lamond, J (2017) Measuring flood resilience: a fuzzy logic approach. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35(05), 470–87.
Oliver, G (2007) Erosion of drawing as a thinking and collaborative tool. Building Research & Information, 35(05), 571–5.
Stenberg, A-C (2007) Green ideas travelling across organizational boundaries. Building Research & Information, 35(05), 501–13.
Swan, W, Fitton, R, Smith, L, Abbott, C and Smith, L (2017) Adoption of sustainable retrofit in UK social housing 2010-2015. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35(05), 456–69.
Torrington, J (2007) Evaluating quality of life in residential care buildings. Building Research & Information, 35(05), 514–28.
Van Bueren, E and De Jong, J (2007) Establishing sustainability: policy successes and failures. Building Research & Information, 35(05), 543–56.