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Bosher, L, Dainty, A, Carrillo, P, Glass, J and Price, A (2007) Integrating disaster risk management into construction: a UK perspective. Building Research & Information, 35(02), 163–77.
Bowen, P, Pearl, R and Akintoye, A (2007) Professional ethics in the South African construction industry. Building Research & Information, 35(02), 189–205.
Chew, M Y, Conejos, S and Law, J S L (2017) Green maintainability design criteria for nanostructured titanium dioxide (TiO2) façade coatings. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35(02), 139–58.
Enshassi, A, Elzebdeh, S and Mohamed, S (2017) Drivers affecting household residents’ water and related energy consumption in residential buildings. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35(02), 159–75.
Fo, P and Skitmore, x (2007) Factors facilitating construction industry development. Building Research & Information, 35(02), 178–88.
Hadidi, L, Assaf, S, Aluwfi, K and Akrawi, H (2017) The effect of ISO 9001 implementation on the customer satisfaction of the engineering design services. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35(02), 176–90.
Hopkin, T, Lu, S, Rogers, P and Sexton, M (2017) Key stakeholders’ perspectives towards UK new-build housing defects. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35(02), 110–23.
Mahmoud, A S, Sanni-Anibire, M O and Hassanain, M A (2017) Performance-based fire safety evacuation of an auditorium facility using a theoretical calculation method. International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 35(02), 124–38.
McCormack, M, Treloar, G J, Palmowski, L and Crawford, R (2007) Modelling direct and indirect water requirements of construction. Building Research & Information, 35(02), 156–62.
Mcdougall, J A and Swaffield, J A (2007) Transport of deformable solids within building drainage networks. Building Research & Information, 35(02), 220–32.
Pearlmutter, D, Freidin, C and Huberman, N (2007) Alternative materials for desert buildings: a comparative life cycle energy analysis. Building Research & Information, 35(02), 144–55.
Short, C A and Lomas, K J (2007) Exploiting a hybrid environmental design strategy in a US continental climate. Building Research & Information, 35(02), 119–43.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Alternative technology; design process; energy; environmental performance; 'green'; building; innovation; natural ventilation; US
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: http://www.informaworld.com/openurl?genre=article&title=Building%20Research%20%26amp%3b%20Information&issn=0961%2d3218&volume=35&issue=2&spage=119&epage=143&doi=10%2e1080%2f09613210600852789&date=2007%2d3&atitle=Exploiting%20a%20hybrid%20environmental%20d
- Abstract:
Resistance to the widespread adoption of naturally ventilated buildings in North America derives from the exigencies of the 'continental climate' type: humid hot summers and cold, desiccating winters. The paper describes a proposed new hybrid strategy for conditioning the environment in the new library and faculty building for Judson College, Elgin, Illinois, US. The strategy exploits the significant mid-season opportunities for implementing natural buoyancy-driven displacement ventilation and passive cooling in the continental climate of the Chicago hinterland. Both the natural and mechanical modes of operation are described and put in the context of current thermal comfort criteria for wholly mechanical and wholly natural ventilation. Predictions are given of the annual duration of the various operating modes and the building's likely overall energy performance using a standard reference year. Construction and energy costs are compared with those for a US Standard Building. An account is given of the various barriers encountered in introducing the innovations.
Soetanto, R, Glass, J, Dainty, A R J and Price, A D F (2007) Structural frame selection: case studies of hybrid concrete frames. Building Research & Information, 35(02), 206–19.