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Davey, C L, McDonald, J, Lowe, D, Duff, R, Powell, J A and Powell, J E (2006) Defects liability management by design. Building Research & Information, 34(02), 145–53.
Fernie, S, Leiringer, R and Thorpe, T (2006) Change in construction: a critical perspective. Building Research & Information, 34(02), 91–103.
Gluch, P and Stenberg, A-c (2006) How do trade media influence green building practice?. Building Research & Information, 34(02), 104–17.
Gormley, M and Campbell, D P (2006) Modelling water reduction effects: method and implications for horizontal drainage. Building Research & Information, 34(02), 131–44.
Hartwig, J and Kockat, J (2016) Macroeconomic effects of energetic building retrofit: Input-output sensitivity analyses. Construction Management and Economics, 34(02), 79-97.
Koskela, L and Ballard, G (2006) Should project management be based on theories of economics or production?. Building Research & Information, 34(02), 154–63.
Lai, C-m and Chiang, C-m (2006) How phase change materials affect thermal performance: hollow bricks. Building Research & Information, 34(02), 118–30.
Leung, M-y, Liang, Q and Yu, J (2016) Development of a mindfulness-stress-performance model for construction workers. Construction Management and Economics, 34(02), 110-28.
Pulkka, L, Ristimäki, M, Rajakallio, K and Junnila, S (2016) Applicability and benefits of the ecosystem concept in the construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 34(02), 129-16.
Venselaar, M and Gruis, V (2016) Studying intra-organizational dynamics in implementing supply chain partnering: A case study about work floor experiences in a Dutch housing association. Construction Management and Economics, 34(02), 98-109.
Winch, G M (2006) Towards a theory of construction as production by projects. Building Research & Information, 34(02), 164–74.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Lean construction; project management; risk management; transaction cost economics; uncertainty; value
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: http://journalsonline.tandf.co.uk/link.asp?id=j50470x57292810p
- Abstract:
This paper responds to the invitation to debate the theory of production in construction from the advocates of lean construction. In particular, it is a response to Koskela and Ballard's critiques of the theory of project management represented in the Project Management Institute's (PMI) PMBoK, and the ‘economics-based’ approach to construction project management presented by Winch. The paper reviews the theoretical and practical contributions of lean construction before addressing the specific criticisms made. It then suggests that lean construction theory has its own limitations and requires further development in the areas of the definition of process, the concept of organization, the theorization of risk and uncertainty, and its unitary concept of value.