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Bos-de Vos, M, Wamelink, J W F H and Volker, L (2016) Trade-offs in the value capture of architectural firms: The significance of professional value. Construction Management and Economics, 34(01), 21-34.
Burroughs, S (2006) Strength of compacted earth: linking soil properties to stabilizers. Building Research & Information, 34(01), 55–65.
Gottsche, J, Kelly, M and Taggart, M (2016) Assessing the impact of energy management initiatives on the energy usage during the construction phase of an educational building project in Ireland. Construction Management and Economics, 34(01), 46-60.
Hopkin, T, Lu, S-L, Rogers, P and Sexton, M (2016) Detecting defects in the UK new-build housing sector: A learning perspective. Construction Management and Economics, 34(01), 35-45.
Lisø, K R (2006) Integrated approach to risk management of future climate change impacts. Building Research & Information, 34(01), 1–10.
Murtagh, N, Roberts, A and Hind, R (2016) The relationship between motivations of architectural designers and environmentally sustainable construction design. Construction Management and Economics, 34(01), 61-75.
Robinson, W G, Chan, P W and Lau, T (2016) Sensors and sensibility: Examining the role of technological features in servitizing construction towards greater sustainability. Construction Management and Economics, 34(01), 4-20.
Saari, A and Aalto, L (2006) Indoor environment quality contracts in building projects. Building Research & Information, 34(01), 66–74.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Building construction; building performance; commissioning; contracts; design quality; indoor environment quality; predictability; project delivery; quality control
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: http://journalsonline.tandf.co.uk/link.asp?id=j8t45h6l7m853r15
- Abstract:
The scientific literature is replete with examples that indicate that poor indoor conditions at workplaces reduce work performance and increase short-term sick leave. To address good indoor environment quality (IEQ), strategic and practical design decisions are needed in the early phase of the building process to ensure successful implementation. However, current procurement practices are hampered by fragmentation, long subcontract chains and vague performance requirements. A preliminary study is undertaken that focuses on developing a method of contracting that enables the attainment and verification of the desired IEQ. Using a review of international research and practices, existing commissioning methods and contract procedures are identified for their attention to IEQ. A contract procedure is proposed that fosters agreement on indoor environment between building owners and tenants, and which directs a building project to give users the guarantee of indoor condition. To make a pre-lease contract agreement that includes IEQ, the factors having an influence on the IEQ chain must be included in all building contracts such as those of design, purchase, and operation and maintenance. Thus, the requirements of IEQ require their incorporation into every phase of the building project. The main elements in these contracts, in addition to the requirements of IEQ, are those verifying quality, bonuses and sanctions.
Sexton, M, Barrett, P and Aouad, G (2006) Motivating small construction companies to adopt new technology. Building Research & Information, 34(01), 11–22.
Short, C A, Whittle, G E and Owarish, M (2006) Fire and smoke control in naturally ventilated buildings. Building Research & Information, 34(01), 23–54.