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0Amjad Mohammadi, A, Safaeipour, H, Chenaghlou, M R, Behnejad, A and Afghani Khoraskani, R (2024) 0Configuration processing and construction of large-span karbandi vaults: a case of the karbandi vaulting of Haj-Mohammad-Qoli Timche in Tabriz Historic Bazaar. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 432-68.
Agyekum, K, Amos-Abanyie, S, Kumah, V M A, Kukah, A S K and Salgin, B (2024) Obstacles to the career progression of professional female project managers (PFPMs) in the Ghanaian construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 200-26.
Aka, A, Bello, A O, Bamgbade, A A and Bilau, A A (2024) Age-performance consideration in the recruitment of tradespeople in Nigerian construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 386-404.
Bojic, M, Yik, F and Lee, M (2003) Influence of air-conditioning exhaust on exterior recessed space. Building Research & Information, 31(01), 25–34.
Boudeau, C (2013) Design team meetings and the coordination of expertise: the roof garden of a hospital. Construction Management and Economics, 31(01), 78-89.
Cevikbas, M, Okudan, O and Işık, Z (2024) Identification and assessment of disruption claim management risks in construction projects: a life cycle-based approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 1-27.
Cheng, L and Cao, D (2024) Evolution model and quantitative assessment of risk network in housing construction accidents. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 227-46.
Chew, M Y L and Silva, N D (2003) Maintainability problems of wet areas in high-rise residential buildings. Building Research & Information, 31(01), 60–9.
Crawford, R H, Treloar, G J, Iiozor, B D and Love, P E D (2003) Competitive greenhouse emissions analysis of domestic solar hot water systems. Building Research & Information, 31(01), 34–47.
Duan, P, Zhou, J and Fan, W (2024) Safety tag generation and training material recommendation for construction workers: a persona-based approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 115-35.
Feriadi, H, Hien, N, Chandra, S and Cheong, K W (2003) Adaptive behaviour and thermal comfort in Singapore's naturally ventilated housing. Building Research & Information, 31(01), 13–23.
Fuller, R J and Luther, M B (2003) Simulation of condensation problems in a roller skating centre. Building Research & Information, 31(01), 48–59.
Ghorbany, S, Yousefi, S and Noorzai, E (2024) Evaluating and optimizing performance of public–private partnership projects using copula Bayesian network. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 290-323.
Håkansson, H and Ingemansson, M (2013) Industrial renewal within the construction network. Construction Management and Economics, 31(01), 40-61.
Kim, J-L (2013) Genetic algorithm stopping criteria for optimization of construction resource scheduling problems. Construction Management and Economics, 31(01), 3-19.
Koskela, L (2003) Is structural change the primary solution to the problems of construction?. Building Research & Information, 31(01), 85–96.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: construction; construction performance; production theory; re-engineering construction; structural change
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: http://journalsonline.tandf.co.uk/link.asp?id=jmx490fbdpuknwfj
- Abstract:
What is the cause for the well-known problems of construction? What should be done to achieve a solution to these problems? A number of renewal initiatives, such as industrialization, open building, design/build, partnering, re-engineering and others, have been put forward. A common feature of such initiatives is that they imply structural changes to the organziational pattern and/or to the flows of information and materials. The aim here is to discuss critically the idea of the primacy of the structural solution for the problems of construciton. To create a basis for such discussion, the theoretical field related to construction is outlined. Three major theoretical areas are recognised: theory of production, theory of management and conceptulization of the peculiarities of construction. For the theory of production, there are three conceptualizations that should be used simultaneously: transformation, flow and value generation (the TFV framework). For the theory of management, there are three intrinsically different managerial actions: design, operation and improvement of a production system. For the peculiarities, three major factors are perceived: one of a kind nature of projects, site production and temporary organization. Based on this framework, a number of conclusions are drawn. Foremost is that due to its peculiarities, construction is characterised by a high level of variability, and the role of managerial action at the level of operation and improvement is crucial in stemming the penalities and further propogation of variability. Five renewal initiatives are analysed based ona theoretical framework. They all focus primarily on production system change and allhave given modest or dissappointing results. Even if the casual relation cannot be established definitively, there is evidence for the claim that it is the neglect of changes at the level of operation and improvement that has contributed to the relative lack of results. As a conclusion, it is argued that the problems of construction require (besides structural changes in the production system) new initiatives at the level of operation and improveement. Moveover, it is concluded that to support integrative new solutions to the pervasive practical problems of construction, we need to develop further the theoretical foundation, or first principles, of production in general and especially in construction.
Langston, C (2013) The role of coordinate-based decision-making in the evaluation of sustainable built environments. Construction Management and Economics, 31(01), 62-77.
Li, X, Liu, X, Huang, Y, Li, J, He, J and Dai, J (2024) Evolutionary mechanism of green innovation behavior in construction enterprises: evidence from the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 159-78.
Liu, B, Li, J, Wang, D, Liu, H, Wu, G and Yuan, J (2024) Public–private partnerships: a collaborative framework for ensuring project sustainable operations. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 264-89.
Mirzaee, A M, Pourrostam, T, Majrouhi Sardroud, J, Hosseini, M R, Rahnamayiezekavat, P and Edwards, D (2024) Dispute root causes and prevention in Iranian public-private partnership projects: a causal-predictive model. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 405-31.
Raisbeck, P and Tang, L C M (2013) Identifying design development factors in Australian PPP projects using an AHP framework. Construction Management and Economics, 31(01), 20-39.
Rankohi, S, Bourgault, M and Iordanova, I (2024) The concept of integration in an IPD context: A grounded theory review. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 48-72.
Saka, A B, Chan, D W M and Ajayi, S O (2024) Institutional isomorphism and adoption of building information modelling (BIM) in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of the Nigerian Construction Industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 179-99.
Sunikka, M and Boon, C (2003) Environmental policies and efforts in social housing: the Netherlands. Building Research & Information, 31(01), 1–12.
Tian, B, Fu, J, Xu, Y and Sun, L (2024) How does contract flexibility affect the sustainability performance of public–private partnership projects? A serial multiple mediator model. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 28-47.
Tijani, B, Jin, X and Osei-Kyei, R (2024) Effect of project organization elements on the mental health of project management practitioner in AEC projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 73-114.
Wang, K, Guo, F, Zhang, C and Schaefer, D (2024) From Industry 4.0 to Construction 4.0: barriers to the digital transformation of engineering and construction sectors. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 136-58.
Wang, M and Liao, P C (2024) Experience-based systematic construction hazard warning. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 469-86.
Xiahou, X, Li, Z, Zuo, J, Wang, Z, Li, K and Li, Q (2024) Critical success factors for the implementation of urban regeneration REITs in China: a TISM–MICMAC based approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 31(01), 363-85.