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Afful, A E, Ayarkwa, J, Acquah, G K K, Osei-Asibey, D and Osei Assibey, A A D (2023) Barriers to incorporation of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) principles into building designs. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2400-19.

Boyd, D and Bentley, D (2012) A critique of conceptions of design and management in construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 30(06), 441-54.

Bröchner, J, Josephson, P-E and Kadefors, A (2002) Swedish construction culture, quality management and collaborative practice. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 392–400.

Cevikbas, M and Işık, Z (2023) Detecting the most appropriate delay analysis methods for mega airport projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2463-80.

Durdyev, S, Koc, K, Karaca, F and Gurgun, A P (2023) Strategies for implementation of green roofs in developing countries. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2481-502.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: built environment; developing countries; green building; green roofs; sdg11; sdg9; strategies; sustainability; sustainable construction
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-12-2021-1147
  • Abstract:

    Purpose: Reportedly, green roof (GR) makes a significant contribution towards a truly sustainable-built environment; however, its implementation is yet to hit a sufficient level in developing countries. Thus, this study assesses GR implementation strategies in developing countries by providing a comparative analysis through experts in Kazakhstan, Malaysia and Turkey. Design/methodology/approach: The study adopts a four-step methodological approach to achieve the research aim: literature review, focus group discussion, fuzzy analytical hierarchy process (FAHP) analysis and correlation analyses. First, a literature review followed by a focus group discussion is used to determine 18 (out of 25 initially) strategies for the selected context and these are classified into three categories: governmental and institutional support, knowledge and information and policy and regulation. Afterward, the identified GR strategies are evaluated using the FAHP with the data gathered from the experts in the countries studied. Finally, correlation analyses were used to observe the strength of agreement between the assessments of experts from the included countries. Findings: The findings indicate that financial incentives, low-cost government loans and subsidies and tax rebates are the essential strategies for the wider adoption of GR. Evaluating the policy and regulations strategies also showed that mandatory GR policies and regulations and better enforcement of the developed GR policies are ranked as the most prominent strategies. The findings show a low level of agreement among respondents from Kazakhstan, while there is a high level of agreement between the experts in Malaysia and Turkey. Research limitations/implications: The research contribution is twofold. First (research implication), the study identifies the strategies through a complete literature review. Second, the identified strategies are evaluated through the lenses of experts in three developing countries which are hoped to provide (practical contribution) a better understanding of the most effective strategies that require attention and enable the frontline stakeholders (particularly government authorities) to focus on them. Originality/value: The study findings provide a good point of departure to explore the strategies for broader adoption of GRs in developing economic setting.

Erman, E (2002) Timber joint design: the geometric breakdown method. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 446–69.

Fitriani, H and Ajayi, S (2023) Investigation of requisite measures for enhancing sustainable construction practices in Indonesia. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2602-20.

Gao, Q, Liu, B, Sun, J, Liu, C and Xu, Y (2023) Border-crossing frequencies of CO2 embodied in international trade of construction products for final demand. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2360-80.

Jennings, W (2012) Why costs overrun: risk, optimism and uncertainty in budgeting for the London 2012 Olympic Games. Construction Management and Economics, 30(06), 455-62.

Khatatbeh, A A (2023) Quantifying the impact of ISO 9001 standard on the project and engineering management and success factors; A case of construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2564-81.

Langston, C (2023) The empirical relationship between contractor success and project innovation. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2231-54.

Lehtiranta, L, Kärnä, S, Junnonen, J-M and Julin, P (2012) The role of multi-firm satisfaction in construction project success. Construction Management and Economics, 30(06), 463-75.

Mohandes, S R, Durdyev, S, Sadeghi, H, Mahdiyar, A, Hosseini, M R, Banihashemi, S and Martek, I (2023) Towards enhancement in reliability and safety of construction projects: developing a hybrid multi-dimensional fuzzy-based approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2255-79.

Ofori, G (2002) Singapore's construction: moving toward a knowledge-based industry. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 401–12.

Olatunji, O A, Ramanayaka, C D E, Rotimi, F E and Rotimi, J O B (2023) Analysis of contractors' administrative characteristics in bid decision factors. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2420-35.

Omar, H and Mahdjoubi, L (2023) Practical solutions for improving the suboptimal performance of construction projects using Dubai construction projects as an example. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2185-205.

Onubi, H O, Hassan, A S, Yusof, N and Bahdad, A A S (2023) Moderating effect of project size on the relationship between COVID-19 safety protocols and economic performance of construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2206-30.

Pietroforte, R and Miller, J B (2002) Procurement methods for US infrastructure: historical perspectives and recent trends. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 425–35.

Qiu, Y and Chen, H (2023) A systematic review of the knowledge domain of institutional theory in construction project management. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2523-44.

Reeves, K (2002) Construction business systems in Japan: general contractors and subcontractors. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 413–24.

Rwelamila, P D (2002) Creating an effective construction industry strategy in South Africa. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 435–45.

Shahid, M U, Thaheem, M J and Arshad, H (2023) Quantification and benchmarking of construction waste and its impact on cost – a case of Pakistan. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2304-33.

Shi, C, Chen, Y, Hua, Y and Tang, Y (2023) Understanding subcontracting organizational arrangements for construction projects in China: integrating capabilities and uncertainty. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2381-99.

Shi, Q, Zuo, J and Zillante, G (2012) Exploring the management of sustainable construction at the programme level: a Chinese case study. Construction Management and Economics, 30(06), 425-40.

Sodangi, M (2023) Towards attaining efficient joint ventures in international construction: the case of Saudi Arabia. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2545-63.

Tetteh, M O, Chan, A P C, Nani, G, Darko, A and Oppong, G D (2023) Impacts of management control mechanisms on the performance of international construction joint ventures: an empirical study. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2280-303.

Xie, L L, Luo, Z and Zhao, X (2023) Critical factors of construction workers' career promotion: evidence from Guangzhou city. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2334-59.

Yuan, X X (2012) Bayesian method for the correlated competitive bidding model. Construction Management and Economics, 30(06), 477-91.

Zaman, U, Florez-Perez, L, Anjam, M, Ghani Khwaja, M and Ul-Huda, N (2023) At the end of the world, turn left: examining toxic leadership, team silence and success in mega construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2436-62.

Zhang, H M, Chong, H Y, Zeng, Y and Zhang, W (2023) The effective mediating role of stakeholder management in the relationship between BIM implementation and project performance. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2503-22.