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Afful, A E, Ayarkwa, J, Acquah, G K K, Osei-Asibey, D and Osei Assibey, A A D (2023) Barriers to incorporation of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) principles into building designs. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2400-19.

Boyd, D and Bentley, D (2012) A critique of conceptions of design and management in construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 30(06), 441-54.

Bröchner, J, Josephson, P-E and Kadefors, A (2002) Swedish construction culture, quality management and collaborative practice. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 392–400.

Cevikbas, M and Işık, Z (2023) Detecting the most appropriate delay analysis methods for mega airport projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2463-80.

Durdyev, S, Koc, K, Karaca, F and Gurgun, A P (2023) Strategies for implementation of green roofs in developing countries. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2481-502.

Erman, E (2002) Timber joint design: the geometric breakdown method. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 446–69.

Fitriani, H and Ajayi, S (2023) Investigation of requisite measures for enhancing sustainable construction practices in Indonesia. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2602-20.

Gao, Q, Liu, B, Sun, J, Liu, C and Xu, Y (2023) Border-crossing frequencies of CO2 embodied in international trade of construction products for final demand. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2360-80.

Jennings, W (2012) Why costs overrun: risk, optimism and uncertainty in budgeting for the London 2012 Olympic Games. Construction Management and Economics, 30(06), 455-62.

Khatatbeh, A A (2023) Quantifying the impact of ISO 9001 standard on the project and engineering management and success factors; A case of construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2564-81.

Langston, C (2023) The empirical relationship between contractor success and project innovation. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2231-54.

Lehtiranta, L, Kärnä, S, Junnonen, J-M and Julin, P (2012) The role of multi-firm satisfaction in construction project success. Construction Management and Economics, 30(06), 463-75.

Mohandes, S R, Durdyev, S, Sadeghi, H, Mahdiyar, A, Hosseini, M R, Banihashemi, S and Martek, I (2023) Towards enhancement in reliability and safety of construction projects: developing a hybrid multi-dimensional fuzzy-based approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2255-79.

Ofori, G (2002) Singapore's construction: moving toward a knowledge-based industry. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 401–12.

Olatunji, O A, Ramanayaka, C D E, Rotimi, F E and Rotimi, J O B (2023) Analysis of contractors' administrative characteristics in bid decision factors. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2420-35.

Omar, H and Mahdjoubi, L (2023) Practical solutions for improving the suboptimal performance of construction projects using Dubai construction projects as an example. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2185-205.

Onubi, H O, Hassan, A S, Yusof, N and Bahdad, A A S (2023) Moderating effect of project size on the relationship between COVID-19 safety protocols and economic performance of construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2206-30.

Pietroforte, R and Miller, J B (2002) Procurement methods for US infrastructure: historical perspectives and recent trends. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 425–35.

Qiu, Y and Chen, H (2023) A systematic review of the knowledge domain of institutional theory in construction project management. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2523-44.

Reeves, K (2002) Construction business systems in Japan: general contractors and subcontractors. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 413–24.

Rwelamila, P D (2002) Creating an effective construction industry strategy in South Africa. Building Research & Information, 30(06), 435–45.

Shahid, M U, Thaheem, M J and Arshad, H (2023) Quantification and benchmarking of construction waste and its impact on cost – a case of Pakistan. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2304-33.

Shi, C, Chen, Y, Hua, Y and Tang, Y (2023) Understanding subcontracting organizational arrangements for construction projects in China: integrating capabilities and uncertainty. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2381-99.

Shi, Q, Zuo, J and Zillante, G (2012) Exploring the management of sustainable construction at the programme level: a Chinese case study. Construction Management and Economics, 30(06), 425-40.

Sodangi, M (2023) Towards attaining efficient joint ventures in international construction: the case of Saudi Arabia. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2545-63.

Tetteh, M O, Chan, A P C, Nani, G, Darko, A and Oppong, G D (2023) Impacts of management control mechanisms on the performance of international construction joint ventures: an empirical study. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2280-303.

Xie, L L, Luo, Z and Zhao, X (2023) Critical factors of construction workers' career promotion: evidence from Guangzhou city. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2334-59.

Yuan, X X (2012) Bayesian method for the correlated competitive bidding model. Construction Management and Economics, 30(06), 477-91.

Zaman, U, Florez-Perez, L, Anjam, M, Ghani Khwaja, M and Ul-Huda, N (2023) At the end of the world, turn left: examining toxic leadership, team silence and success in mega construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2436-62.

Zhang, H M, Chong, H Y, Zeng, Y and Zhang, W (2023) The effective mediating role of stakeholder management in the relationship between BIM implementation and project performance. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(06), 2503-22.