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Charkhakan, M H and Heravi, G (2023) Quantifying the predictability and preventability of conflicts between construction project parties. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 1932-50.

Chew, M Y L (2002) Resistance of polyurethane sealants to hot water. Building Research & Information, 30(05), 367–71.

Choy, L H T, Ho, W K O and Mak, S W K (2012) Housing attributes and Hong Kong real estate prices: a quantile regression analysis. Construction Management and Economics, 30(05), 359-66.

Jacobsson, M and Linderoth, H C J (2012) User perceptions of ICT impacts in Swedish construction companies: 'it's fine, just as it is'. Construction Management and Economics, 30(05), 339-57.

Kerali, A G and Thomas, T H (2002) Effect of mix retention and curing on low-cement walling blocks. Building Research & Information, 30(05), 362–6.

Khanh, H D, Kim, S Y and Linh, L Q (2023) Construction productivity prediction through Bayesian networks for building projects: case from Vietnam. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 2075-100.

Kohler, N and Lutzkendorf, T (2002) Integrated life-cycle analysis. Building Research & Information, 30(05), 338–48.

Liang, R, Li, R, Yan, X, Xue, Z and Wei, X (2023) Evaluating and selecting the supplier in prefabricated megaprojects using extended fuzzy TOPSIS under hesitant environment: a case study from China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 1902-31.

Lingard, H C, Cooke, T and Blismas, N (2012) Designing for construction workers' occupational health and safety: a case study of socio-material complexity. Construction Management and Economics, 30(05), 367-82.

Liu, L, Wang, X and Sheng, Z (2012) Achieving ambidexterity in large, complex engineering projects: a case study of the Sutong Bridge project. Construction Management and Economics, 30(05), 399-409.

Maharjan, S, Shrestha, P P and Srirangam, D (2023) Impact of mobilization costs on schedule performance of highway projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 2008-25.

Mansoori, S, Harkonen, J and Haapasalo, H (2023) Productization and product structure enabling BIM implementation in construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 2155-84.

Moshtaghian, F and Noorzai, E (2023) Integration of risk management within the building information modeling (BIM) framework. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 1951-77.

Osuizugbo, I C, Kukoyi, P O, Abisuga, A O and Ibrahim, K (2023) Choosing to be a craftsperson: factors influencing career decision-making among apprentices. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 2026-47.

Pham, H T, Pham, T, Truong Quang, H and Dang, C N (2023) Impact of transformational leadership on green learning and green innovation in construction supply chains. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 1883-901.

Qabaja, M and Tenekeci, G (2023) Nexus between construction sector and economic indicators for Turkey and European Union evidenced by panel data analysis. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 1978-2007.

Sena, T C and Fabricio, M M (2023) Framework proposal for BIM implementation in Brazilian construction and development companies. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 2101-23.

Sompolgrunk, A, Banihashemi, S, Hosseini, M R, Golzad, H and Hajirasouli, A (2023) An integrated model of BIM return on investment for Australian small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 2048-74.

Stasinopoulos, T N (2023) Comparing insolation on building façades in five different climates. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 1835-63.

Straub, A (2002) Strategic technical management of housing stock: lessons from Dutch housing associations. Building Research & Information, 30(05), 372–81.

Tam, C M, Tam, V W Y and Zeng, S X (2002) Environmental Performance Evaluation (EPE) for construction. Building Research & Information, 30(05), 349–61.

Wuni, I Y, Shen, G Q and Saka, A B (2023) Computing the severities of critical onsite assembly risk factors for modular integrated construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 1864-82.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: modular integrated construction; onsite assembly; risk factors; supply chain
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1108/ECAM-07-2021-0630
  • Abstract:

    Purpose: Modular integrated construction (MiC) reengineers the traditional construction process. By introducing factory production and onsite assembly (OA) of modules, MiC reinvents construction projects’ uncertainties and risk profiles. The OA stage constitutes the highest end of the MiC delivery and supply chains, where several inherited and symbiotic errors and risk events become realities, negatively impacting the MiC project’s success. This study explored the severities of OA risk factors for MiC projects. Design/methodology/approach: A comprehensive literature review, consultation of experts and a questionnaire survey of domain experts were conducted to assess the severity of fifteen OA risk factors for MiC projects. The risk severity index was used to compute and rank the severities of critical OA risk factors for MiC projects, followed by proposed mitigation strategies. Findings: The study revealed that the top five OA risk factors with the severest impact on MiC projects include modules installation discrepancies and errors, poor cooperation among critical onsite stakeholders, a mismatch between production schedules and site conditions, improper lifting equipment selection for onsite installation and site-fit rework due to discrepancies in drawings. Originality/value: This study is the first to offer some important insights into the uncertainties that could compromise the OA objectives of MiC projects. It discussed risk management strategies for known and unknown OA risks and made a unique contribution to the theory, practice, and praxis of MiC supply chain risk management.

Zhang, Q, Oo, B L and Lim, B T H (2023) Key practices and impact factors of corporate social responsibility implementation: Evidence from construction firms. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(05), 2124-54.

Zimina, D, Ballard, G and Pasquire, C (2012) Target value design: using collaboration and a lean approach to reduce construction cost. Construction Management and Economics, 30(05), 383-98.