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Abdul-Aziz, A-R (2012) Control mechanisms exercised in Malaysian housing public-private partnerships. Construction Management and Economics, 30(01), 37–55.
Almufarrej, A M and Erfani, T (2023) Climate, buildings’ envelope design and energy patterns: improving energy performance of new buildings in Kuwait. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 172-88.
Amadi, A (2023) Integration in a mixed-method case study of construction phenomena: from data to theory. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 210-37.
Cattell, D W (2012) An overview of component unit pricing theory. Construction Management and Economics, 30(01), 81–92.
Davey, C L, Powell, J A, Powell, J E and Cooper, I (2002) Action learning in a medium-sized construction company. Building Research & Information, 30(01), 5–15.
Dou, Y, Sun, X, Ji, A, Wang, Y and Xue, X (2023) Development strategy for prefabricated construction projects: a tripartite evolutionary game based on prospect theory. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 105-24.
Feng, K, Chen, S, Lu, W, Wang, S, Yang, B, Sun, C and Wang, Y (2023) Embedding ensemble learning into simulation-based optimisation: a learning-based optimisation approach for construction planning. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 259-95.
Gounder, S, Hasan, A, Shrestha, A and Elmualim, A (2023) Barriers to the use of sustainable materials in Australian building projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 189-209.
Gurung, N and Mahendran, M (2002) Comparative life cycle costs for new steel portal frame building systems. Building Research & Information, 30(01), 35–46.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: cladding; cost estimates; economics; industrial buildings; life cycle cost; steel portal frame; Australia
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/link.asp?id=ahmnky429ncr5vn9
- Abstract:
Life cycle costs of a new steel portal frame building system incorporating energy efficient sandwich panels are compared with those of a conventional steel portal frame building system for use in industrial and commercial buildings. The economic benefits of the new building system have been demonstrated through cost assessment of energy in use. The results from life cycle cost analysis of both the new and conventional portal frame building systems indicate that, despite slightly higher initial costs, the new building system costs significantly less than the conventional system over its complete life cycle of 50 years. The new system provides improved economic performance along with a more energy efficient model for commercial/industrial building design in the Australia climate.
Hosseinian, A H and Baradaran, V (2023) A two-phase approach for solving the multi-skill resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem: a case study in construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 321-63.
Irfan, M, Khalid, R A, Kaka Khel, S S U H, Maqsoom, A and Sherani, I K (2023) Impact of work–life balance with the role of organizational support and job burnout on project performance. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 154-71.
Kus, H and Nygren, K (2002) Microenvironmental characterization of rendered autoclaved aerated concrete. Building Research & Information, 30(01), 25–34.
Lahdenperä, P (2012) Making sense of the multi-party contractual arrangements of project partnering, project alliancing and integrated project delivery. Construction Management and Economics, 30(01), 57–79.
Lee, J S (2023) Quantifying costs of the productivity loss due to schedule changes in construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 56-73.
Parchamijalal, M, Moradi, S and Zabihi Shirazi, M (2023) Claim management office maturity model (CMOMM) in project-oriented organizations in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 74-104.
Ruan, X, Ochieng, E G, Price, A D F and Egbu, C O (2012) Knowledge integration process in construction projects: a social network analysis approach to compare competitive and collaborative working. Construction Management and Economics, 30(01).
Salmaninezhad, M and Jazayeri Moghaddas, S M (2023) A multi-attribute approach to select the best method for repairing river bridge columns. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 1-18.
Sharifi, A A and Farahinia, A H (2023) A theoretical framework for developing the MAU model to determine the most appropriate use for historic buildings. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 238-58.
Shipworth, D T (2002) A stochastic framework for embodies greenhouse gas emissions modelling of construction materials. Building Research & Information, 30(01), 16–24.
Sorooshnia, E, Rashidi, M, Rahnamayiezekavat, P, Rezaei, F and Samali, B (2023) Optimum external shading system for counterbalancing glare probability and daylight illuminance in Sydney's residential buildings. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 296-320.
Tabish, S Z S and Jha, K N (2012) The impact of anti-corruption strategies on corruption free performance in public construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 30(01), 21–35.
Tian, B, Wang, Z, Li, C and Fu, J (2023) Can relational governance improve sustainability in public-private partnership infrastructure projects? An empirical study based on structural equation modeling. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 19-40.
Xu, Y, Chong, H Y and Chi, M (2023) Modelling the blockchain adoption barriers in the AEC industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 125-53.
Yılmaz, F (2023) Analysis of the interaction between safety measures and workers' safety awareness from the construction workers' perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 30(01), 41-55.