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Abbas, G M and Gursel Dino, I (2022) The impact of natural ventilation on airborne biocontaminants: a study on COVID-19 dispersion in an open office. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1609-41.

Chan, M (2011) Fatigue: the most critical accident risk in oil and gas construction. Construction Management and Economics, 29(04), 341–53.

Dodanwala, T C and Santoso, D S (2022) The mediating role of job stress on the relationship between job satisfaction facets and turnover intention of the construction professionals. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1777-96.

Elazouni, A and Salem, O A (2011) Progress monitoring of construction projects using pattern recognition techniques. Construction Management and Economics, 29(04), 355–70.

Guan, K, Feng, K and Zeng, S X (2001) Urban housing development reform and in China. Building Research & Information, 29(04), 286–92.

Guo, S, Zhao, Y, Luoren, Y, Liang, K and Tang, B (2022) Knowledge discovery of correlations between unsafe behaviors within construction accidents. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1797-816.

Hallowell, M, Esmaeili, B and Chinowsky, P (2011) Safety risk interactions among highway construction work tasks. Construction Management and Economics, 29(04), 417–29.

Hiete, M, Kühlen, A and Schultmann, F (2011) Analysing the interdependencies between the criteria of sustainable building rating systems. Construction Management and Economics, 29(04), 323–8.

Hongliang, Z, Xiangzhen, H and Ying, W (2001) China's construction regulatory systems. Building Research & Information, 29(04), 265–9.

Hu, K, Rahmandad, H, Smith‐Jackson, T and Winchester, W (2011) Factors influencing the risk of falls in the construction industry: a review of the evidence. Construction Management and Economics, 29(04), 397–416.

Issa, M H, Attalla, M, Rankin, J H and Christian, A J (2011) Energy consumption in conventional, energy‐retrofitted and green LEED Toronto schools. Construction Management and Economics, 29(04), 383–95.

Kongchasing, N and Sua-iam, G (2022) The main issue working with migrant construction labor: a case study in Thailand. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1715-30.

Liang, H and Shi, X (2022) Exploring the structure and emerging trends of construction health management: a bibliometric review and content analysis. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1861-89.

Ling, F Y-Y and Boo, J H S (2001) Improving the accuracy estimates of building of approximate projects. Building Research & Information, 29(04), 311–8.

Luo, J, Gale, A and He, X (2001) Investing in the Chinese industry via joint ventures construction. Building Research & Information, 29(04), 277–85.

Rousseau, D and Chen, Y (2001) Sustainability options for China's residential building sector. Building Research & Information, 29(04), 293–301.

Sandanayake, M, Kumanayake, R and Peiris, A (2022) Environmental impact assessments during construction stage at different geographic levels – a cradle-to-gate analysis of using sustainable concrete materials. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1731-52.

Schade, J, Olofsson, T and Schreyer, M (2011) Decision‐making in a model‐based design process. Construction Management and Economics, 29(04), 371–82.

Sha, K and Lin, S (2001) Reforming China's state-owned enterprises construction. Building Research & Information, 29(04), 270–6.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: China; economic reform; institutional reform; organizational reform; state owned enterprise
  • ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
  • URL: http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/link.asp?id=g3ummql4c41gh51d
  • Abstract:
    Reform of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) constitutes the central link of the entire restructuring of China's construction industry. The poor performance of SOEs was mainly attributed to the lack of autonomy and the vagueness in the delineation of property rights. Reform measures have been undertaken to address these issues, but the achievements are far from satisfactory. The paradox of increasing productivity and declining profitability calls for a sound plan to solve the SOE problem by considering both the root causes and symptoms. The relationship between the provision of sufficient, robust information and the performance of SOEs is analysed and, based upon this, the implications for further restructuring are assessed. The proposed solutions may be summarized as: creating a fair business environment for competition to enable each SOE's profit level to be used as a simple, low-cost and sufficiently informative indicator of managerial performance; transforming the traditional, centralized operation model so that the restructuring of SOEs as well as the whole construction industry can be realized.

Shirong, L (2001) China's construction education in higher transition. Building Research & Information, 29(04), 302–11.

Sierra, F (2022) COVID-19: main challenges during construction stage. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1817-34.

Sun, J, Wang, C C, Yang, Z, Yu, T, Li, J and Xiong, X (2022) Impact of organizational decentralization degree on job satisfaction and job performance: a hierarchical linear model analysis for construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1642-60.

Thneibat, M, Thneibat, M and Al-Tamimi, B (2022) Establishing the synergy between the perceptions of construction professionals and the phases of value management. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1835-60.

To, W M and Lam, K H (2022) Green project management from employees' perspective in Hong Kong's engineering and construction sectors. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1890-907.

Wang, L and Cheng, Y (2022) Exploring a comprehensive knowledge map for promoting safety management research in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1678-714.

Yeh, H-H H (2011) Adjustment behaviour of capital structure over the business cycles: evidence from the construction industry of Taiwan. Construction Management and Economics, 29(04), 329–40.

Yin, H, Wang, D, Yin, Y, Liu, H and Deng, B (2022) Response of contractor behavior to hierarchical governance: effects on the performance of mega-projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1661-77.

Zhao, Y, Chen, W, Arashpour, M, Yang, Z, Shao, C and Li, C (2022) Predicting delays in prefabricated projects: SD-BP neural network to define effects of risk disruption. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(04), 1753-76.