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Ahmadian Fard Fini, A, Maghrebi, M, Forsythe, P J and Waller, T S (2022) Using existing site surveillance cameras to automatically measure the installation speed in prefabricated timber construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 573-600.
Ayodele, O A, Chang-Richards, Y and González, V A (2022) A framework for addressing construction labour turnover in New Zealand. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 601-18.
Bordass, B, Cohen, R, Standeven, M and Leaman, A (2001) Assessing building performance in use 2: technical performance of the Probe buildings. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 103–13.
Bordass, B, Cohen, R, Standeven, M and Leaman, A (2001) Assessing building performance in use 3: technical performance of the Probe buildings. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 114–28.
Bordass, B, Leaman, A and Ruyssevelt, P (2001) Assessing building performance in use 5: technical performance of the Probe buildings. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 144–57.
Cao, D, Shao, S, Huang, B and Wang, G (2022) Multidimensional behavioral responses to the implementation of BIM in construction projects: an empirical study in China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 819-41.
Cohen, R, Standeven, M, Bordass, B and Leaman, A (2001) Assessing building performance in use 1: the Probe process. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 85–102.
Cooper, I (2001) Post-occupancy evaluation - where are you?. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 158–63.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: benchmarks; customer focus; feedback; innovation; post-occupancy evaluation; Probe; sustainability;
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/link.asp?id=qgfgja8bx2wbl3bq
- Abstract:
This paper provides a historical context for the Probe studies reported in this special issue by describing the stalled development of post-occupancy evaluation (POE) in Britain since the 1960s. It charts 40 years of continuing academic, professional and commercial neglect of POE as a mainstream activity in the procurement of buildings in Britain. It notes the current resurgence of interest in the 'customer care' focus of the Egan Report. And it closes by identifying a re-emerging research agenda for POE in Britain. This could include its use for benchmarking progress in the transition towards more sustainable production and consumption of the built environment.
Do, S T, Nguyen, V T and Dang, C N (2022) Exploring the relationship between failure factors and stakeholder coordination performance in high-rise building projects: empirical study in the finishing phase. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 870-95.
Eley, J (2001) How do post-occupancy evaluation and the facilities manager meet?. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 164–7.
Gannon, M J and Smith, N J (2011) An effective outline business case to facilitate successful decision-making. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 185–97.
Gurgun, A P and Koc, K (2022) Administrative risks challenging the adoption of smart contracts in construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 989-1015.
Hung, Y-H, Smith-Jackson, T and Winchester, W (2011) Use of attitude congruence to identify safety interventions for small residential builders. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 113–30.
Katebi, A, Mohammadhosseini, A, Najmeddin, M and Homami, P (2024) The moderating impact of organizational readiness, competitive pressure and compatibility on the cost of using precast concrete components. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 274-94.
Ketabi, A B and Heravi, G (2022) Developing a framework for evaluating construction project safety levels and optimal cost allocation to safety influential factors. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 643-68.
Kim, Y-W and Kim, S-C (2011) Cost analysis of information technology-assisted quality inspection using activity-based costing. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 163–72.
Larsson, N K (2001) iiSBE: the international initiative for sustainable built environment. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 175–7.
Leaman, A and Bordass, B (2001) Assessing building performance in use 4: technical performance of the Probe buildings. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 129–43.
Liu, A M M, Fellows, R and Tuuli, M M (2011) The role of corporate citizenship values in promoting corporate social performance: towards a conceptual model and a research agenda. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 173–83.
Loosemore, M and McCallum, A (2022) The situational and individual determinants of entrepreneurship in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 1038-60.
Loosemore, M, Alkilani, S Z and Hammad, A W A (2022) Barriers to employment for refugees seeking work in the Australian construction industry: an exploratory study. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 619-42.
Maheswari, J U, Mujumdar, P, Padala, S P S and Gwaskoti, A (2022) BDM–MDM integrated solution concept for scheduling information-driven projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 1016-37.
Mohammadi, S, Tavakolan, M and Zahraie, B (2022) An intelligent simulation-based framework for automated planning of concrete construction works. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 916-39.
Osei-Appiah, V K, Kissi, E, Karikari, V A, Ayeng, P, Danquah-Smith, E and Adesi, M (2024) Assessing the impact of early supplier involvement on public works procurement. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 229-49.
Ríos-Fernández, J C (2022) Thermal performance assessment of cool roofs on supermarkets through case analysis in 13 cities. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 739-54.
Rajhans, R K (2024) How do economic policy uncertainty and leverage impact firm-level cash holding distribution of housing companies in an emerging economy? A quantile regression approach. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 331-48.
Rathnayaka, L S D, Malsha Nadeetharu, B K and Kulatunga, U (2024) Applicability of electronic document management system (EDMS) for the cost management of mega construction projects in Sri Lanka. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 314-30.
Scrase, J I (2001) Curbing the growth in UK commercial energy consumption. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 51–61.
Shah, M A, Kumar, S, Shah, M A and Rasool, A (2024) Examining the relationship among critical success factors (CSFs) for delivery of sustainable public-private partnership projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 250-73.
Shalwani, A and Lines, B (2022) Using issue logs to improve construction project performance. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 896-915.
Sheamar, S, Wedawatta, G, Tennakoon, M, Palliyaguru, R and Antwi-Afari, M F (2024) The potential of new models of construction procurement to counter cost overruns in construction projects: an exploratory study from a contractors’ perspective. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 211-28.
Silva, P M, Domingo, N and Ameer Ali, N A N (2024) Causes of disputes in the construction industry – a systematic literature review. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 193-210.
Singla, H K and Chammanam, S S (2024) Development of a financial performance measurement model for real estate business: an exploratory study in India. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 295-313.
Styhre, A (2011) In the circuit of credibility: construction workers and the norms of "a good job". Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 199–209.
Teo, M M and Loosemore, M (2011) Community-based protest against construction projects: a case study of movement continuity. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 131–44.
Wahab, A and Wang, J (2022) Factors-driven comparison between BIM-based and traditional 2D quantity takeoff in construction cost estimation. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 702-15.
Wang, G, Liu, M, Cao, D and Tan, D (2022) Identifying high-frequency–low-severity construction safety risks: an empirical study based on official supervision reports in Shanghai. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 940-60.
Yang, J, Shen, P Q, Bourne, L, Ho, C M-F and Xue, X (2011) A typology of operational approaches for stakeholder analysis and engagement. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 145–62.
Zahoor, H, Khan, R M, Nawaz, A, Ayaz, M and Maqsoom, A (2022) Project control and forecast assessment of building projects in Pakistan using earned value management. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 842-69.
Zaryoun, M, Hosseini, M and Soleymani, K (2022) Sustainable architecture and earthquake resilience of vernacular Zegalli houses in northern Iran. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 1061-85.
Zimmerman, A and Martin, M (2001) Post-occupancy evaluation: benefits and barriers. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 168–74.
Zohrehvandi, S, Khalilzadeh, M, Amiri, M and Shadrokh, S (2022) Project buffer sizing and dynamic buffer consumption algorithm in power generation construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 716-38.
Zou, X, Zhang, L and Zhang, Q (2022) Time-cost optimization in repetitive project scheduling with limited resources. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 669-701.