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Ahmadian Fard Fini, A, Maghrebi, M, Forsythe, P J and Waller, T S (2022) Using existing site surveillance cameras to automatically measure the installation speed in prefabricated timber construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 573-600.

Ayodele, O A, Chang-Richards, Y and González, V A (2022) A framework for addressing construction labour turnover in New Zealand. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 601-18.

Bordass, B, Cohen, R, Standeven, M and Leaman, A (2001) Assessing building performance in use 2: technical performance of the Probe buildings. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 103–13.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: advanced natural ventilation; buildings; control systems; HVAC systems; lighting; performance; post-occupancy surveys; thermal capacity; usability; UK; window design;
  • ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
  • URL: http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/link.asp?id=5vb9dyyxp4qb5n3x
  • Abstract:
    From 1995-1999, the Probe series of post-occupancy studies reported individually on the performance of 16 buildings. This paper introduces the buildings - seven office, five educational and four other - and reviews aspects of their technical performance in a number of areas: building envelope and window design, heating, hot water and ventilation systems, artificial lighting, controls and operations and ICT (the energy and occupant surveys are reported in papers 3 and 4 of this series). The buildings are above average in performance for the UK - some exceptionally so - but nevertheless certain types of problem were widespread. Many buildings had poor airtightness and problems with controls, which sometimes seriously reduced occupant satisfaction and energy efficiency (which is discussed in more detail in paper 3). Important lessons for designers, owners, tenants and operators of buildings are described, based on feedback from Probe. For both old and new techniques and technologies there are frequently chronic, minor problems; often revealing the need to make components, systems and particularly their means of control more understandable to those using and operating them; to avoid unnecessary complication; for design to be appropriate to the management resources likely to be available to run the buildings; and for all the simplest and most standardized buildings to have a period of 'sea trials' following completion in which performance is evaluated, problems fixed, and information collected for the benefit of the organizations concerned and of the whole industry.

Bordass, B, Cohen, R, Standeven, M and Leaman, A (2001) Assessing building performance in use 3: technical performance of the Probe buildings. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 114–28.

Bordass, B, Leaman, A and Ruyssevelt, P (2001) Assessing building performance in use 5: technical performance of the Probe buildings. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 144–57.

Cao, D, Shao, S, Huang, B and Wang, G (2022) Multidimensional behavioral responses to the implementation of BIM in construction projects: an empirical study in China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 819-41.

Cohen, R, Standeven, M, Bordass, B and Leaman, A (2001) Assessing building performance in use 1: the Probe process. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 85–102.

Cooper, I (2001) Post-occupancy evaluation - where are you?. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 158–63.

Do, S T, Nguyen, V T and Dang, C N (2022) Exploring the relationship between failure factors and stakeholder coordination performance in high-rise building projects: empirical study in the finishing phase. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 870-95.

Eley, J (2001) How do post-occupancy evaluation and the facilities manager meet?. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 164–7.

Gannon, M J and Smith, N J (2011) An effective outline business case to facilitate successful decision-making. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 185–97.

Gurgun, A P and Koc, K (2022) Administrative risks challenging the adoption of smart contracts in construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 989-1015.

Hung, Y-H, Smith-Jackson, T and Winchester, W (2011) Use of attitude congruence to identify safety interventions for small residential builders. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 113–30.

Katebi, A, Mohammadhosseini, A, Najmeddin, M and Homami, P (2024) The moderating impact of organizational readiness, competitive pressure and compatibility on the cost of using precast concrete components. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 274-94.

Ketabi, A B and Heravi, G (2022) Developing a framework for evaluating construction project safety levels and optimal cost allocation to safety influential factors. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 643-68.

Kim, Y-W and Kim, S-C (2011) Cost analysis of information technology-assisted quality inspection using activity-based costing. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 163–72.

Larsson, N K (2001) iiSBE: the international initiative for sustainable built environment. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 175–7.

Leaman, A and Bordass, B (2001) Assessing building performance in use 4: technical performance of the Probe buildings. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 129–43.

Liu, A M M, Fellows, R and Tuuli, M M (2011) The role of corporate citizenship values in promoting corporate social performance: towards a conceptual model and a research agenda. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 173–83.

Loosemore, M and McCallum, A (2022) The situational and individual determinants of entrepreneurship in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 1038-60.

Loosemore, M, Alkilani, S Z and Hammad, A W A (2022) Barriers to employment for refugees seeking work in the Australian construction industry: an exploratory study. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 619-42.

Maheswari, J U, Mujumdar, P, Padala, S P S and Gwaskoti, A (2022) BDM–MDM integrated solution concept for scheduling information-driven projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 1016-37.

Mohammadi, S, Tavakolan, M and Zahraie, B (2022) An intelligent simulation-based framework for automated planning of concrete construction works. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 916-39.

Osei-Appiah, V K, Kissi, E, Karikari, V A, Ayeng, P, Danquah-Smith, E and Adesi, M (2024) Assessing the impact of early supplier involvement on public works procurement. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 229-49.

Ríos-Fernández, J C (2022) Thermal performance assessment of cool roofs on supermarkets through case analysis in 13 cities. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 739-54.

Rajhans, R K (2024) How do economic policy uncertainty and leverage impact firm-level cash holding distribution of housing companies in an emerging economy? A quantile regression approach. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 331-48.

Rathnayaka, L S D, Malsha Nadeetharu, B K and Kulatunga, U (2024) Applicability of electronic document management system (EDMS) for the cost management of mega construction projects in Sri Lanka. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 314-30.

Scrase, J I (2001) Curbing the growth in UK commercial energy consumption. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 51–61.

Shah, M A, Kumar, S, Shah, M A and Rasool, A (2024) Examining the relationship among critical success factors (CSFs) for delivery of sustainable public-private partnership projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 250-73.

Shalwani, A and Lines, B (2022) Using issue logs to improve construction project performance. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 896-915.

Sheamar, S, Wedawatta, G, Tennakoon, M, Palliyaguru, R and Antwi-Afari, M F (2024) The potential of new models of construction procurement to counter cost overruns in construction projects: an exploratory study from a contractors’ perspective. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 211-28.

Silva, P M, Domingo, N and Ameer Ali, N A N (2024) Causes of disputes in the construction industry – a systematic literature review. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 193-210.

Singla, H K and Chammanam, S S (2024) Development of a financial performance measurement model for real estate business: an exploratory study in India. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(02), 295-313.

Styhre, A (2011) In the circuit of credibility: construction workers and the norms of "a good job". Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 199–209.

Teo, M M and Loosemore, M (2011) Community-based protest against construction projects: a case study of movement continuity. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 131–44.

Wahab, A and Wang, J (2022) Factors-driven comparison between BIM-based and traditional 2D quantity takeoff in construction cost estimation. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 702-15.

Wang, G, Liu, M, Cao, D and Tan, D (2022) Identifying high-frequency–low-severity construction safety risks: an empirical study based on official supervision reports in Shanghai. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 940-60.

Yang, J, Shen, P Q, Bourne, L, Ho, C M-F and Xue, X (2011) A typology of operational approaches for stakeholder analysis and engagement. Construction Management and Economics, 29(02), 145–62.

Zahoor, H, Khan, R M, Nawaz, A, Ayaz, M and Maqsoom, A (2022) Project control and forecast assessment of building projects in Pakistan using earned value management. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 842-69.

Zaryoun, M, Hosseini, M and Soleymani, K (2022) Sustainable architecture and earthquake resilience of vernacular Zegalli houses in northern Iran. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 1061-85.

Zimmerman, A and Martin, M (2001) Post-occupancy evaluation: benefits and barriers. Building Research & Information, 29(02), 168–74.

Zohrehvandi, S, Khalilzadeh, M, Amiri, M and Shadrokh, S (2022) Project buffer sizing and dynamic buffer consumption algorithm in power generation construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 716-38.

Zou, X, Zhang, L and Zhang, Q (2022) Time-cost optimization in repetitive project scheduling with limited resources. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(02), 669-701.