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Abdul-Aziz, A-R, Ngau, D P, Lim, Y M and Nuruddin, A R (2011) Internationalization of Malaysian quantity surveying firms: exploring the best fit models. Construction Management and Economics, 29(01), 49–58.

Adebara, T M (2024) Exploring the Temporary Appropriation of Marginal Open Spaces in Urban Residential Neighbourhoods. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 47-65.

Alajmani, H, Ahmed, S and El-Sayegh, S M (2024) Factors causing delays in the UAE construction industry amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(01), 135-51.

Amade, B, Moneke, U U and Okorie, C E (2024) Modelling the Hindrances to Building Information Modelling Adoption on Construction Projects in Nigeria. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 23-46.

Bekele, A A and Mahesh, G (2024) Exploring the Impact of Endogenic Factors on the Competency of Small and Medium Contractors in the Ethiopian Construction Industry. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 211-45.

Brown, A D and Phua, F T T (2011) Subjectively construed identities and discourse: towards a research agenda for construction management. Construction Management and Economics, 29(01), 83–95.

Buyukyoran, F and Yaman, H (2024) Construction Sector Dynamics in Turkey: Economic Advancements and Vulnerabilities. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 267-91.

Chang, Y, Wilkinson, S, Potangaroa, R and Seville, E (2011) Identifying factors affecting resource availability for post-disaster reconstruction: a case study in China. Construction Management and Economics, 29(01), 37–48.

Davey, C L, Lowe, D J and Duff, A R (2001) Generating opportunities for SMEs to develop partnerships and improve performance. Building Research & Information, 29(01), 1–11.

Draleti, G, Sengonzi, R and Kakitahi, J (2024) Improvement of Risk Management in Cost Estimation in the Building Construction Industry in Uganda. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 111-38.

Dulaimi, M (2022) The climate of innovation in the UAE and its construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 141-64.

Dursun, O and Stoy, C (2011) Time-cost relationship of building projects: statistical adequacy of categorization with respect to project location. Construction Management and Economics, 29(01), 97–106.

Egwunatum, S I, Anumudu, A C, Eze, E C and Awodele, I A (2022) Total quality management (TQM) implementation in the Nigerian construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 354-82.

Ershadi, M, Jefferies, M, Davis, P R and Mojtahedi, M (2022) The contribution of project management offices to addressing complexities in principal construction contracting. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 287-306.

Fateh, M A M, Supian, A N and Goh, C S (2024) Managing Emotional Intelligence of Construction Players During COVID-19 in Malaysia. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 191-210.

Fernando, N, T.A, K D and Zhang, H (2024) An artificial neural network (ANN) approach for early cost estimation of concrete bridge systems in developing countries: the case of Sri Lanka. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(01), 23-51.

Gao, Q, Liu, B, Sun, J, Liu, C and Xu, Y (2022) Trade decomposition of CO2 emissions of global construction industries. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 502-22.

Garg, S and Misra, S (2022) Understanding the components and magnitude of the cost of quality in building construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 26-48.

Gundes, S (2011) Exploring the dynamics of the Turkish construction industry using input-output analysis. Construction Management and Economics, 29(01), 59–68.

Hadidi, L and Abzakh, A (2022) Toward an understanding of BPR perception in the construction industry: the employee attitude toward job enlargement and enrichment in Saudi Arabia. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 204-21.

Idrissi Gartoumi, K, Aboussaleh, M and Zaki, S (2024) Implementing lean construction to improve quality and megaproject construction: a case study. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(01), 1-22.

Kazar, G and Comu, S (2022) Exploring the relations between the physiological factors and the likelihood of accidents on construction sites. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 456-75.

Khan, S B, Proverbs, D G and Xiao, H (2022) The motivation of operatives in small construction firms towards health and safety – A conceptual framework. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 245-61.

Kukah, A S K, Owusu-Manu, D G, Badu, E, Edwards, D J and Asamoah, E (2024) Fuzzy quantitative risk allocation model (FQRAM) to guide decision-making on risk allocation in Ghanaian public-private partnership (PPP) power projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(01), 83-114.

Kululanga, G K, Edum-Fotwe, F T and McCaffer, R (2001) Measuring construction contractors' organizational learning. Building Research & Information, 29(01), 21–9.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: audit; continuous improvement; learning; management; organization;
  • ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
  • URL: http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/link.asp?id=74w0k4yhbm5vhwnc
  • Abstract:
    The term 'learning organization' has entered the vocabulary of many managers and is providing an alternative basis for evaluating the performance of construction companies. However, there is a long way to go before organizational learning is fully implemented to gain competitive advantage, attain a state of readiness for change and build a capacity to respond and identify future business possibilities. This paper outlines the importance and the principles that underlie organizational learning, and presents a framework for measuring organizational learning as one of the strategies for improving construction business processes. The framework identifies ten dimensions for learning and eight factors that promote organizational generative learning. It provides a methodology for assessing whether organizational learning practices and the factors that induce organizational generative learning are in place and current best practice that characterizes learning organizations. The paper also outlines how a construction contractor can self/third-party audit its organizational learning, which could then act as a catalyst for implementing an organizational learning culture.

Landin, A and Nilsson, C-H (2001) Do quality systems really make a difference?. Building Research & Information, 29(01), 12–20.

Lansley, P R (2001) Building research and the quality-of-life. Building Research & Information, 29(01), 62–74.

Lee, C and Park, K K H (2022) Forecasting trading volume in local housing markets through a time-series model and a deep learning algorithm. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 165-78.

Li, X, Li, H, Skitmore, M and Wang, F (2022) Understanding the influence of safety climate and productivity pressure on non-helmet use behavior at construction sites: a case study. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 72-90.

Liang, Y and Ashuri, B (2022) Challenges and enabling features of small and medium infrastructure public–private partnerships (P3s): a case study of the US P3 infrastructure market. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 49-71.

Lin, T, Lyu, S, Yang, R J and Tivendale, L (2022) Offsite construction in the Australian low-rise residential buildings application levels and procurement options. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 110-40.

Liu, B, Lu, X, Hu, X, Li, L and Li, Y (2022) What's wrong with the public participation of urban regeneration project in China: a study from multiple stakeholders' perspectives. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 91-109.

Lu, W, Olofsson, T and Stehn, L (2011) A lean-agile model of homebuilders' production systems. Construction Management and Economics, 29(01), 25–35.

Ma, G, Jiang, S and Wang, D (2022) Understanding the effects of social media use on construction project performance: a project manager's perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 551-70.

Mahmoudi Motahar, M and Hosseini Nourzad, S H (2022) A hybrid method for optimizing selective disassembly sequence planning in adaptive reuse of buildings. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 307-32.

Makabate, C T, Musonda, I, Okoro, C S and Chileshe, N (2022) Scientometric analysis of BIM adoption by SMEs in the architecture, construction and engineering sector. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 179-203.

Matarneh, S (2024) Construction Disputes Causes and Resolution Methods: A Case Study from a Developing Country. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 139-61.

Mayouf, M and Gilligan, C (2024) Synthesis towards unveiling the complexity underlying underpayment for subcontractors in construction. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(01), 168-92.

Mbiti, T K, Blismas, N, Wakefield, R and Lombardo, R (2011) System archetypes underlying the problematic behaviour of construction activity in Kenya. Construction Management and Economics, 29(01), 3–13.

Mengistu, D G, Ashene, D A and Beyene, M M (2024) Micro and Small Enterprises’ Development in the Ethiopian Construction Industry: The Challenges and Improvement Regulatory Framework. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 67-85.

Mwelu, N, Watundu, S and Moya, M (2024) Demand Side Perception on Success Factors for Implementing Public Road Construction Projects. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 1-22.

Nwal, S S, Panuwatwanich, K and Naing, M (2024) Critical Factors Influencing the Performance of Public Housing Construction Projects in Myanmar. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 163-90.

Ofori, G (2001) Indicators for measuring construction industry development in developing countries. Building Research & Information, 29(01), 40–50.

Oyegoke, A S, Fisher, B W, Ajayi, S, Omotayo, T S and Ewuga, D (2024) The disruptive factors and longevity effects of Covid-19 and Brexit on the SMEs construction supply chain in the UK. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(01), 115-34.

Senawi, A and Osmadi, A (2024) Property tax reassessment among local authorities: the implementation and its key challenges. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(01), 152-67.

Shih, N-J and Huang, Y-S (2001) A study of reflection glare in Taipei. Building Research & Information, 29(01), 30–9.

Sospeter, N G and Awuzie, B O (2024) Capital Budgeting Implementation by Public Sector Construction Firms in Tanzania’s Housebuilding Industry: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 87-109.

Taillandier, F, Baudrit, C, Carvajal, C, Delhomme, B and Beullac, B (2022) Imprecise abstract argumentation as a support for forensic engineering. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 523-50.

Teo, P, Gajanayake, A, Jayasuriya, S, Izaddoost, A, Perera, T, Naderpajouh, N and Wong, P S P (2022) Application of a bottom-up approach to estimate economic impacts of building maintenance projects: cladding rectification program in Australia. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 333-53.

Thomson, D (2011) A pilot study of client complexity, emergent requirements and stakeholder perceptions of project success. Construction Management and Economics, 29(01), 69–82.

Torres, D A, Herrera, A S A and Cano, J M G (2024) Bibliometric Analysis of the Journal of Construction in Developing Countries. Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 29(01), 247-66.

Wang, J and Lu, W (2022) A deployment framework for BIM localization. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 407-30.

Wu, C, Wu, P, Jiang, R, Wang, J, Wang, X and Wan, M (2022) Evaluating the economic and social benefits of multiutility tunnels with an agent-based simulation approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 1-25.

Wu, H, Qian, Q K, Straub, A and Visscher, H J (2022) Factors influencing transaction costs of prefabricated housing projects in China: developers' perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 476-501.

Wu, J, Kumaraswamy, M and Soo, G K L (2011) Dubious benefits from future exchange: an explanation of payment arrears from "continuing clients" in Mainland China. Construction Management and Economics, 29(01), 15–23.

Xu, X and Zhang, Y (2024) Office property price index forecasting using neural networks. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 29(01), 52-82.

Yitmen, I, Al-Musaed, A and Yücelgazi, F (2022) ANP model for evaluating the performance of adaptive façade systems in complex commercial buildings. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 431-55.

Zhang, Y, Wang, Y and Yao, H (2022) How does the embeddedness of relational behaviours in contractual relations influence inter-organisational trust in construction projects?. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 222-44.

Zhu, L and Cheung, S O (2022) Equity gap in construction contracting: identification and ramifications. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29(01), 262-86.