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Bröchner, J (2009) Construction metaphors in Aristotle: knowledge, purpose, process. Construction Management and Economics, 27(05), 515–23.

Cooper, I (1999) Which focus for building assessment methods: environmental performance or sustainability?. Building Research & Information, 27(05), 321–31.

Crawley, D and Aho, I (1999) Building environmental assessment methods: applications and development trends. Building Research & Information, 27(05), 300–8.

Curwell, S, Yates, A, Howard, N, Bordass, B and Doggart, J (1999) The Green Building Challenge in the UK. Building Research & Information, 27(05), 286–93.

Fox, S (2009) Applying critical realism to information and communication technologies: a case study. Construction Management and Economics, 27(05), 465–72.

Gluch, P, Gustafsson, M and Thuvander, L (2009) An absorptive capacity model for green innovation and performance in the construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 27(05), 451–64.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: innovation; sustainable development; absorptive capacity; construction industry; survey; regression analysis
  • ISBN/ISSN: 0144-6193
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/01446190902896645
  • Abstract:
    Applying the model of absorptive capacity (ACAP), antecedents, predictors and moderators for green innovation and performance in the construction industry are investigated. The aim is to identify mechanisms that influence green innovation and environmental performance in a construction company. Data come from a questionnaire survey assessing environmental attitudes, management and performance within the Swedish construction industry. For data analysis, linear regression analysis was used. From testing the ACAP theory and model, it was concluded that it has a promising potential in explaining mechanisms behind green innovation and performance. The application of ACAP has resulted in a revised ACAP model, green ACAP. Findings indicate that organizations can affect their capacity to absorb green innovations and improve their business performance by focusing on three predictors of green business advantage: acquisition, assimilation and transformation. As such, the green ACAP can serve as a framework for focused efforts within the construction industry.

Kimata, N (1999) Japanese expectations for green building assessments. Building Research & Information, 27(05), 294–9.

Kohler, N (1999) The relevance of green building challenge: an observer's perspective. Building Research & Information, 27(05), 309–20.

Kumar, V and Lin, E T A (2020) Conceptualizing “COBieEvaluator”. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(05), 1093–118.

Larsson, N K (1999) Development of a building performance rating and labelling system in Canada. Building Research & Information, 27(05), 332–41.

Liu, D, Wang, Y, Chen, J and Zhang, Y (2020) Intelligent compaction practice and development: a bibliometric analysis. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(05), 1213–32.

Lu, W, Tam, V W, Chen, H and Du, L (2020) A holistic review of research on carbon emissions of green building construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(05), 1065–92.

Tang, L C M and Leung, A Y T (2009) An entropy-based financial decision support system (e-FDSS) for project analysis in construction SMEs. Construction Management and Economics, 27(05), 499–513.

Tuuli, M M and Rowlinson, S (2009) Empowerment in project teams: a multilevel examination of the job performance implications. Construction Management and Economics, 27(05), 473–98.

Viswanathan, S K and Jha, K N (2020) Critical risk factors in international construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(05), 1169–90.

Yun, L, Wan, J, Wang, G, Bai, J and Zhang, B (2020) Exploring the missing link between top management team characteristics and megaproject performance. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(05), 1039–64.

Yung, P (2009) Institutional arrangements and construction safety in China: an empirical examination. Construction Management and Economics, 27(05), 439–50.

Zaman, U (2020) Examining the effect of xenophobia on “transnational” mega construction project (MCP) success. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(05), 1119–43.

Zhang, J, Li, H, Golizadeh, H, Zhao, C, Lyu, S and Jin, R (2020) Reliability evaluation index for the integrated supply chain utilising BIM and lean approaches. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(05), 997–1038.

Zhu, D, Wen, H and Deng, Y (2020) Pro-active warning system for the crossroads at construction sites based on computer vision. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(05), 1145–68.

Zhu, F, Wang, L, Yu, M and Yang, X (2020) Quality of conflict management in construction project context. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(05), 1191–211.