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Afzal, F, Yunfei, S, Sajid, M and Afzal, F (2020) Integrated priority decision index for risk assessment in chaos: cost overruns in transport projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(04), 825–49.
Bonanomi, M M, Hall, D M, Staub-French, S, Tucker, A and Talamo, C M L (2020) The impact of digital transformation on formal and informal organizational structures of large architecture and engineering firms. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(04), 872–92.
Cole, R J (1999) Building environmental assessment methods: clarifying intentions. Building Research & Information, 27(04), 230–46.
Cole, R J (1999) Postscript: Green Building Challenge 2000. Building Research & Information, 27(04), 342–3.
Cole, R J and Larsson, N K (1999) GBC '98 and GBTool: background. Building Research & Information, 27(04), 221–9.
Cole, R J and Mitchell, L (1999) Customizing and using GBTool: two case-study projects. Building Research & Information, 27(04), 257–76.
Comet, C (2009) Social capital and profits of small firms in the French construction industry. Construction Management and Economics, 27(04), 411–8.
El-Sayegh, S M (2009) Multi-criteria decision support model for selecting the appropriate construction management at risk firm. Construction Management and Economics, 27(04), 385–98.
Feghaly, J, El Asmar, M, Ariaratnam, S and Bearup, W (2020) Selecting project delivery methods for water treatment plants. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(04), 936–51.
Glaumann, M, Malm, T and Larsson, J (1999) Evaluation of green buildings in Sweden. Building Research & Information, 27(04), 276–85.
Kannimuthu, M, Raphael, B, Ekambaram, P and Kuppuswamy, A (2020) Comparing optimization modeling approaches for the multi-mode resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(04), 893–916.
Li, H, Lu, W and Huang, T (2009) Rethinking project management and exploring virtual design and construction as a potential solution. Construction Management and Economics, 27(04), 363–71.
Lingard, H C, Cooke, T and Blismas, N (2009) Group-level safety climate in the Australian construction industry: within-group homogeneity and between-group differences in road construction and maintenance. Construction Management and Economics, 27(04), 419–32.
Liu, J and Cheah, C Y J (2009) Real option application in PPP/PFI project negotiation. Construction Management and Economics, 27(04), 331–42.
Luo, M, Fan, H and Liu, G (2020) Measuring regional differences of construction productive efficiency in China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(04), 952–74.
Ma, H, Liu, Z, Zeng, S, Lin, H and Tam, V W (2020) Does megaproject social responsibility improve the sustainability of the construction industry?. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(04), 975–96.
Manoliadis, O G, Pantouvakis, J-P and Christodoulou, S E (2009) Improving qualifications-based selection by use of the fuzzy Delphi method. Construction Management and Economics, 27(04), 373–84.
Rees, W E (1999) The built environment and the ecosphere: a global perspective. Building Research & Information, 27(04), 206–20.
Smyth, H and Fitch, T (2009) Application of relationship marketing and management: a large contractor case study. Construction Management and Economics, 27(04), 399–410.
Todd, J A and Geissler, S (1999) Regional and cultural issues in environmental performance assessment for buildings. Building Research & Information, 27(04), 247–56.
Tone, K, Skitmore, M and Wong, J K W (2009) An investigation of the impact of cross-cultural communication on the management of construction projects in Samoa. Construction Management and Economics, 27(04), 343–61.
Viles, E, Rudeli, N C and Santilli, A (2020) Causes of delay in construction projects: a quantitative analysis. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(04), 917–35.
Wang, S, Tang, J, Zou, Y and Zhou, Q (2020) Research on production process optimization of precast concrete component factory based on value stream mapping. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(04), 850–71.