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Aka, A, Isah, A D, Eze, C J and Timileyin, O (2020) Application of lean manufacturing tools and techniques for waste reduction in Nigerian bricks production process. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(03), 658–79.
Andary, E G, Abi Shdid, C, Chowdhury, A and Ahmad, I (2020) Integrated project delivery implementation framework for water and wastewater treatment plant projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(03), 609–33.
Ball, R (1999) Developers, regeneration and sustainability issues in the re-use of vacant industrial buildings. Building Research & Information, 27(03), 140–8.
Christodoulou, S E, Ellinas, G N and Aslani, P (2009) Disorder considerations in resource-constrained scheduling. Construction Management and Economics, 27(03), 229–40.
Gambo, M J (2022) Effect of institutional context and finance context of housing finance on home ownership among low-income earners in Bauchi. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 27(03), 415-36.
Golizadeh, H, Hosseini, M R, Martek, I, Edwards, D, Gheisari, M, Banihashemi, S and Zhang, J (2020) Scientometric analysis of research on “remotely piloted aircraft”. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(03), 634–57.
Gravina da Rocha, C, El Ghoz, H B and Jr Guadanhim, S (2020) A model for implementing product modularity in buildings design. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(03), 680–99.
Halliday, S, Beggs, C and Muneer, T (1999) Is solar air conditioning feasible?. Building Research & Information, 27(03), 149–64.
Hui, E C-M and Fung, H H-K (2009) Real estate development as real options. Construction Management and Economics, 27(03), 221–7.
Jia, Y A, Rowlinson, S, Kvan, T, Lingard, H C and Yip, B (2009) Burnout among Hong Kong Chinese architecture students: the paradoxical effect of Confucian conformity values. Construction Management and Economics, 27(03), 287–98.
Leiringer, R, Green, S D and Raja, J Z (2009) Living up to the value agenda: the empirical realities of through-life value creation in construction. Construction Management and Economics, 27(03), 271–85.
Liao, L, Teo Ai Lin, E and Low, S P (2020) Assessing building information modeling implementation readiness in building projects in Singapore. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(03), 700–24.
Liu, Q, Ye, G and Feng, Y (2020) Workers' safety behaviors in the off-site manufacturing plant. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(03), 765-84.
Marsh, L E and Finch, E F (1999) Using portable datafiles in the construction supply chain. Building Research & Information, 27(03), 127–39.
Mwamila, B L M and Karumuna, B L (1999) Semi-prefabrication concrete techniques in developing countries. Building Research & Information, 27(03), 165–82.
Ping Ho, S, Lin, Y-H, Wu, H-L and Chu, W (2009) Empirical test of a model for organizational governance structure choices in construction joint ventures. Construction Management and Economics, 27(03), 315–24.
Pulket, T and Arditi, D (2009) Construction litigation prediction system using ant colony optimization. Construction Management and Economics, 27(03), 241–51.
Rodriguez, F S, Spilski, J, Hekele, F, Beese, N O and Lachmann, T (2020) Physical and cognitive demands of work in building construction. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(03), 745–64.
Toor, S-U-R and Ofori, G (2009) Authenticity and its influence on psychological well-being and contingent self-esteem of leaders in Singapore construction sector. Construction Management and Economics, 27(03), 299–313.
Vahdatmanesh, M, Firouzi, A and Rotimi, J O B (2022) Real options analysis of revenue risk sharing in post-disaster housing reconstruction. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 27(03), 281-305.
Xu, Y and Turkan, Y (2020) BrIM and UAS for bridge inspections and management. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(03), 785–807.
Yuan, J, Zeng, A Y, Skibniewski, M J and Li, Q (2009) Selection of performance objectives and key performance indicators in public–private partnership projects to achieve value for money. Construction Management and Economics, 27(03), 253–70.
Zarghami, S A and Gunawan, I (2020) A fuzzy-based vulnerability assessment model for infrastructure networks incorporating reliability and centrality. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 27(03), 725–44.