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Abdullah, A H, Yaman, S K, Mohammad, H and Hassan, P F (2018) Construction manager’s technical competencies in Malaysian construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(02), 153–77.
Abejide, O S (1997) Solid soilcrete blocks for low-cost buildings: a Nigerian case study. Building Research & Information, 25(02), 115–9.
Alkoc, E and Erbatur, F (1997) Productivity improvement in concreting operations through simulation models. Building Research & Information, 25(02), 82–91.
Arantes, A and Ferreira, L M D (2020) Underlying causes and mitigation measures of delays in construction projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 165–81.
Besaiso, H, Fenn, P, Emsley, M and Wright, D (2018) A comparison of the suitability of FIDIC and NEC conditions of contract in Palestine. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(02), 241–56.
El-Rasas, T and Marzouk, M (2020) Fuzzy model for assessing delays in Egyptian residential projects. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 225–46.
Enshassi, A (1997) Construction projects and the environment in Palestine. Building Research & Information, 25(02), 111–4.
Forsythe, P J (2007) A conceptual framework for studying customer satisfaction in residential construction. Construction Management and Economics, 25(02), 171–82.
Gavieta, R C (1997) Socio-economic and spatial indicators for household energy for a tropical urban community in urban Manila. Building Research & Information, 25(02), 124–8.
Gavieta, R C and Onate, C E (1997) Building regulations and disaster mitigation: the Philippines. Building Research & Information, 25(02), 120–3.
Giti, D M, K'Akumu, O A and Ondieki, E O (2020) Enhanced role of private sector through public private partnerships in low income urban housing in Kenya. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 293–312.
Graafland, J and Nijhof, A (2007) Transparency, market operation and trust in the Dutch construction industry: an exploratory study. Construction Management and Economics, 25(02), 195–205.
Gunarathna, C, Yang, R J and Fernando, N (2018) Conflicts and management styles in the Sri Lankan commercial building sector. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(02), 178–201.
Hua, G B (2007) Applying the strategic alignment model to business and ICT strategies of Singapore's small and medium-sized architecture, engineering and construction enterprises. Construction Management and Economics, 25(02), 157–69.
Jannadi, M O (1997) An effective safety programme for a concrete product manufacturing plant. Building Research & Information, 25(02), 92–100.
Jolly Cyril, E and Singla, H K (2020) Comparative analysis of profitability of real estate, industrial construction and infrastructure firms: evidence from India. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 273–91.
Kavishe, N, Jefferson, I and Chileshe, N (2018) An analysis of the delivery challenges influencing public-private partnership in housing projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(02), 202–40.
Leung, M-Y and Chan, H K L (2007) Antecedents of commitment in construction management. Construction Management and Economics, 25(02), 113–27.
Li, H (1997) Determinants of knowledge-based expert system success in construction engineering. Building Research & Information, 25(02), 101–6.
Liu, J, Lin, S and Feng, Y (2018) Understanding why Chinese contractors are not willing to purchase construction insurance. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(02), 257–72.
Loffler, M (1997) Foamglass as spacer in multiple-glazing. Building Research & Information, 25(02), 107–10.
Lu, X and Davis, S (2018) Priming effects on safety decisions in a virtual construction simulator. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(02), 273–94.
McCord, M (2020) An exploratory investigation into the relationship between energy performance certificates and sales price: a polytomous universal model approach. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 247–71.
Pan, W, Gibb, A G F and Dainty, A R J (2007) Perspectives of UK housebuilders on the use of offsite modern methods of construction. Construction Management and Economics, 25(02), 183–94.
Pheng, L S and Tan, S K L (1997) The measurement of just in time wastage for a public housing project in Singapore. Building Research & Information, 25(02), 67–81.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: case study; just-in-time; Singapore; social housing
- ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
- URL: http://taylorandfrancis.metapress.com/link.asp?id=u2yqukv74l0vklcd
- Abstract:
This case study shows that NEO's accounting procedure is workable in practice where the productivity and time wastage of each task is identified at various stages. Just-in-time waste data is useful for a number of reasons; these include the ability to streamline operations, the ability to be more responsive to the environment, and the improvement in productivity, quality assurance, scheduling and cost savings
Radosavljevic, M and Horner, M (2007) Process planning methodology: dynamic short-term planning for off-site construction in Slovenia. Construction Management and Economics, 25(02), 143–56.
Sa'eed, A, Gambo, N, Inuwa, I I and Musonda, I (2020) Effects of financial management practices on technical performance of building contractors in northeast Nigeria. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 201–23.
Trigunarsyah, B (2007) Project designers' role in improving constructability of Indonesian construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 25(02), 207–15.
Wang, C-H, Tsai, C-C and Cheng, Y-Y (2007) Knowledge-based diagnosis model for PCM executing problems in public construction. Construction Management and Economics, 25(02), 129–42.
Wesz, J G B, Formoso, C T and Tzortzopoulos, P (2018) Planning and controlling design in engineered-to-order prefabricated building systems. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 25(02), 134–52.
Zhang, Z, Koh, Z Y and Ling, F (2020) Benchmarking contractors’ financial performance: case study of Singapore. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 25(02), 183–99.