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Abu El-Maaty, A E, El-Kholy, A M and Akal, A Y (2017) Modeling schedule overrun and cost escalation percentages of highway projects using fuzzy approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(05), 809-27.

Adaku, E, Osei-Poku, V, Ottou, J A and Yirenkyi-Fianko, A (2024) Contractor payment delays: a systematic review of current trends and future directions. Construction Innovation, 24(05), 1205–27.

Agyekum-Mensah, G and Knight, A D (2017) The professionals’ perspective on the causes of project delay in the construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(05), 828-41.

Ahmed, S and El-Sayegh, S (2024) Relevant criteria for selecting project delivery methods in sustainable construction. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(05), 512–20.

Almasabha, G, Shehadeh, A, Alshboul, O and Al Hattamleh, O (2024) Structural performance of buried reinforced concrete pipelines under deep embankment soil. Construction Innovation, 24(05), 1280-96.

Aloyce, D, Monko, R J and Luvara, V G M (2024) Critical audit indicators for assessing construction projects performance (cpp) at pre-contract stage in Tanzania. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(05), 530–9.

Bamgbade, J A, Hosany, M M, Ajibike, W A and Chai, C S (2024) Green supply chain nuances in East Malaysian construction industry. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(05), 477–85.

Bijivemula, S K R, Sai, S J and Chepuri, A (2024) A structural equation model of stakeholder roles in the implementation of green construction strategies in the Indian construction industry. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(05), 486–94.

Boussabaine, A H and Duff, A R (1996) An expert-simulation system for construction productivity forecasting. Building Research & Information, 24(05), 279–86.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: construction; expert system; productivity; simulation; uncertainty; UK
  • ISBN/ISSN: 0961-3218
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/09613219608727543
  • Abstract:
    Knowledge based and neural network systems provide an interesting new tool for dealing with uncertainty in decision making. The authors discuss the different sources of uncertainty for a construction planning expert system and show how the results (output) from the expert system can be used to estimate operation or project durations.

Caven, V (2006) Career building: women and non-standard employment in architecture. Construction Management and Economics, 24(05), 457-64.

Chan, A P C and Oppong, G D (2017) Managing the expectations of external stakeholders in construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(05), 736-56.

Chang, R-D, Zuo, J, Soebarto, V, Zhao, Z-Y and Zillante, G (2017) Dynamic interactions between sustainability and competitiveness in construction firms: A transition perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(05), 842-59.

Cheah, C Y J and Liu, J (2006) Valuing governmental support in infrastructure projects as real options using Monte Carlo simulation. Construction Management and Economics, 24(05), 545-54.

Chen, J J and Wills, D (1996) Urban housing reform in China: policies and performance. Building Research & Information, 24(05), 311–7.

Denny-Smith, G and Loosemore, M (2017) Integrating indigenous enterprises into the Australian construction industry. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(05), 788-808.

Dinh, T H, Dinh, T H and Götze, U (2024) Roadworks design: Study on selection of construction materials in the preliminary design phase based on economic performance. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(05), 503–11.

Edwards, D J, Shaw, A and Holt, G D (1996) Electronic document management systems and the management of UK construction projects. Building Research & Information, 24(05), 287–92.

Elkholosy, H, Ead, R, Hammad, A and AbouRizk, S (2024) Data mining for forecasting labor resource requirements: A case study of project management staffing requirements. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(05), 561–72.

Friedman, A and Cammalleri, V (1996) Advanced wood frame construction details in Canada. Building Research & Information, 24(05), 270–8.

Hassanein, A A G and Melin, J W (1996) Time constraints set by prime contractors for their sub-contractors. Building Research & Information, 24(05), 293–301.

Hilu, K A and Hiyassat, M A (2024) Qualitative assessment of resilience in construction projects. Construction Innovation, 24(05), 1297-319.

Ilyas, M, Shaojun, C, Li, Y, Ahmad, S and Hamza, A (2024) Cause analysis of delay in development induced displacement and resettlement (didr) project. A case study of diamer basha dam project in Pakistan. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(05), 551–60.

Jayamaha, B H V H, Perera, B A K S, Gimhani, K D M and Rodrigo, M N N (2024) Adaptability of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems for cost management of building construction projects in Sri Lanka. Construction Innovation, 24(05), 1255-79.

Kale, S and Arditi, D (2006) Diffusion of ISO 9000 certification in the precast concrete industry. Construction Management and Economics, 24(05), 485-95.

Kaming, P F, Olomolaiye, P O, Holt, G D, Kometa, S T and Harris, F C (1996) Project managers' perception of production problems - an Indonesian case study. Building Research & Information, 24(05), 302–10.

Kedir, F, Hall, D M, Brantvall, S, Lessing, J, Hollberg, A and Soman, R K (2024) Circular information flows in industrialized housing construction: the case of a multi-family housing product platform in Sweden. Construction Innovation, 24(05), 1354-79.

Khanapure, V and Shastri, S (2024) A sustainability assessment framework for high-rise residential projects: A case of India. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(05), 495–502.

Kineber, A F, Othman, I, Oke, A E, Chileshe, N and Zayed, T (2024) Modeling the relationship between value management implementation phases, critical success factors and overall project success. Construction Innovation, 24(05), 1380-400.

Liu, A M M and Fang, Z (2006) A power-based leadership approach to project management. Construction Management and Economics, 24(05), 497-507.

Moore, D (1996) The Renaissance: the beginning of the end for implicit buildability. Building Research & Information, 24(05), 259–69.

Murphy, M E and Nahod, M-M (2017) Stakeholder competency in evaluating the environmental impacts of infrastructure projects using BIM. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(05), 718-35.

Nguyen Ngoc, H, Mohammed Abdelkader, E, Al-Sakkaf, A, Alfalah, G and Zayed, T (2024) A hybrid AHP-maut model for assessing competitiveness of construction companies: A case study of construction companies in Vietnam and Canada. Construction Innovation, 24(05), 1320-53.

Oke, A E, Aliu, J, Jamir Singh, P S, Onajite, S A, Shaharudin Samsurijan, M and Azura Ramli, R (2024) Appraisal of awareness and usage of digital technologies for sustainable wellbeing among construction workers in a developing economy. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(05), 521–9.

Ramsaran, R and Hosein, R (2006) Growth, employment and the construction industry in Trinidad and Tobago. Construction Management and Economics, 24(05), 465-74.

Sammour, F, Alkailani, H, Sweis, G J, Sweis, R J, Maaitah, W and Alashkar, A (2024) Forecasting demand in the residential construction industry using machine learning algorithms in Jordan. Construction Innovation, 24(05), 1228-54.

Shang, G, Pheng, L S and Zhong Xia, R L (2024) Adoption of smart contracts in the construction industry: an institutional analysis of drivers and barriers. Construction Innovation, 24(05), 1401-21.

Sinesilassie, E G, Tabish, S Z S and Jha, K N (2017) Critical factors affecting schedule performance: A case of Ethiopian public construction projects: engineers’ perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(05), 757-73.

Styhre, A and Josephson, P-E (2006) Revisiting site manager work: stuck in the middle?. Construction Management and Economics, 24(05), 521-8.

Tran, D Q, Molenaar, K R and Kolli, B (2017) Implementation of best-value procurement for highway design and construction in the USA. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(05), 774-87.

Wang, D, Hadavi, A and Krizek, R J (2006) Chinese construction firms in reform. Construction Management and Economics, 24(05), 509-19.

Yiu, C Y and Tam, C S (2006) Rational under-pricing in bidding strategy: a real options model. Construction Management and Economics, 24(05), 475-84.

Zabidin, N S, Belayutham, S and Che Ibrahim, C K I (2024) The knowledge, attitude and practices (kap) of industry 4.0 between construction practitioners and academicians in Malaysia: A comparative study. Construction Innovation, 24(05), 1185-204.

Zhang, G and Yang, J (2006) Factors influencing the implementation of the raised floor system in Australian office buildings. Construction Management and Economics, 24(05), 529-43.

Zhao, X (2024) Construction risk management research: Intellectual structure and emerging themes. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(05), 540–50.