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Abdulla, H and McCauley-Smith, C (2024) Contribution mechanisms of project managers' behavioural competencies towards the success of oil and gas projects. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 151–60.
Adeniyi, O, Thurairajah, N and Leo-Olagbaye, F (2024) Rethinking digital construction: a study of BIM uptake capability in BIM infant construction industries. Construction Innovation, 24(02), 584-605.
Ahmed, Y A, Shehzad, H M F, Khurshid, M M, Abbas Hassan, O H, Abdalla, S A and Alrefai, N (2024) Examining the effect of interoperability factors on building information modelling (BIM) adoption in Malaysia. Construction Innovation, 24(02), 606-42.
Albuquerque, F and Bersanetti, F (2024) Servitization and construction industry: Ideas and insights from the commercial building sector. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 109–23.
Bidanset, P, McCord, M, Davis, P and Sunderman, M (2019) An exploratory approach for enhancing vertical and horizontal equity tests for {[}ad valorem{]} property tax valuations using geographically weighted regression. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(02), 231–50.
Blismas, N, Pasquire, C and Gibb, A (2006) Benefit evaluation for off-site production in construction. Construction Management and Economics, 24(02), 121-30.
Bon, R (1996) Whither global construction? Some results of the ECERU opinion survey, 1993–95. Building Research & Information, 24(02), 81–5.
Bouchlaghem, N M (1996) A computer model for the design of window shading devices. Building Research & Information, 24(02), 104–7.
Chang, A S and Tien, C-C (2006) Quantifying uncertainty and equivocality in engineering projects. Construction Management and Economics, 24(02), 171-84.
Clements-Croome, D J (1996) Future horizons in building environmental engineering. Building Research & Information, 24(02), 86–96.
Donyavi, S, Flanagan, R, Assadi-Langroudi, A and Parisi, L (2024) Understanding the complexity of materials procurement in construction projects to build a conceptual framework influencing supply chain management of msmes. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 177–86.
Edwards, D J and Holt, G D (2006) Hand-arm vibration exposure from construction tools: results of a field study. Construction Management and Economics, 24(02), 209-17.
Edwards, D J, Harris, P T and Holt, G D (1996) The greenhouse effect: impact upon and the role to be played by construction. Building Research & Information, 24(02), 97–103.
Fjeldstad, O, Ali, M and Katera, L (2019) Policy implementation under stress. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 24(02), 129–47.
Gerrish, T, Ruikar, K, Cook, M, Johnson, M and Phillip, M (2017) Using BIM capabilities to improve existing building energy modelling practices. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(02), 190-208.
Gogate, N G, Shelake, A G and Band, P (2024) Selection of most significant risk factors for Indian tunnel projects: An integrated fuzzy-based MCDM approach. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 161–76.
Grover, R, Walacik, M, Buzu, O, Gunes, T, Raskovic, M and Yildiz, U (2019) Barriers to the use of property taxation in municipal finance. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(02), 166–83.
Hwang, B-G, Zhao, X and Chin, E W Y (2017) International construction joint ventures between Singapore and developing countries: Risk assessment and allocation preferences. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(02), 209-28.
Jannadi, M O (1996) Factors affecting the safety of the construction industry. Building Research & Information, 24(02), 108–12.
Jiang, W and Lu, Y (2017) Influence of initial trust on control from client perspective: Construction industry in China. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(02), 326-45.
Joy, E, R, A and Raja, C (2024) Digital 3D modeling for preconstruction real-time visualization of home interior design through virtual reality. Construction Innovation, 24(02), 643-53.
Khodabocus, S and Seyis, S (2024) Multi-criteria decision-making model for risk management in modular construction projects. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 240–50.
Kineber, A F, Ali, A H, Elshaboury, N, Oke, A E and Arashpour, M (2024) A multi-criteria evaluation and stationary analysis of value management implementation barriers for sustainable residential building projects. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 199–212.
Kpamma, Z E, Adjei-Kumi, T, Ayarkwa, J and Adinyira, E (2017) Participatory design, wicked problems, choosing by advantages. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(02), 289-307.
Kum, Y T, Yap, J B H, Lew, Y L and Lee, W P (2024) COVID-19 health and safety challenges on construction sites: Unfolding novel dimensions for construction industries in developing countries. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 187–98.
Kylili, A, Georgali, P Z, Christou, P and Fokaides, P (2024) An integrated building information modeling (BIM)-based lifecycle-oriented framework for sustainable building design. Construction Innovation, 24(02), 492-514.
Leishman, C and Warren, F (2006) Private housing design customization through house type substitution. Construction Management and Economics, 24(02), 149-58.
Li, H (1996) The role of IT manager in construction process re-engineering. Building Research & Information, 24(02), 124–7.
Lingard, H and Francis, V (2006) Does a supportive work environment moderate the relationship between work-family conflict and burnout among construction professionals?. Construction Management and Economics, 24(02), 185-96.
Loudoun, R and Townsend, K (2017) Implementing health promotion programs in the Australian construction industry: Levers and agents for change. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(02), 260-74.
Mangioni, V (2019) Value capture taxation: alternate sources of revenue for Sub-Central government in Australia. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(02), 200–16.
Mani, S, Ahmadi Eftekhari, N, Hosseini, M R and Bakhshi, J (2024) Sociotechnical dimensions of BIM-induced changes in stakeholder management of public and private building projects. Construction Innovation, 24(02), 425-45.
Manoharan, K, Dissanayake, P, Pathirana, C, Deegahawature, D and Silva, R (2024) Assessing the performance and productivity of labour in building construction projects through the application of work-based training practices. Construction Innovation, 24(02), 558-83.
Manoliadis, O, Tsolas, I and Nakou, A (2006) Sustainable construction and drivers of change in Greece: a Delphi study. Construction Management and Economics, 24(02), 113-20.
Mengiste, E, Garcia de Soto, B and Hartmann, T (2024) Automated integration of as-is point cloud information with as-planned BIM for interior construction. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 137–50.
Moragane, H P M N L B, Perera, B A K S, Palihakkara, A D and Ekanayake, B (2024) Application of computer vision for construction progress monitoring: a qualitative investigation. Construction Innovation, 24(02), 446-69.
Mpofu, B, Ochieng, E G, Moobela, C and Pretorius, A (2017) Profiling causative factors leading to construction project delays in the United Arab Emirates. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(02), 346-76.
Muya, M, Price, A D F and Edum-Fotwe, F T (2006) Overview of funding for construction craft skills training in Sub-Saharan Africa: a case study of Zambia. Construction Management and Economics, 24(02), 197-208.
- Type: Journal Article
- Keywords: Construction craft skills; training; Sub-Saharan Africa; Zambia
- ISBN/ISSN: 0144-6193
- URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/01446190500310585
- Abstract:
The wealth of any nation is ultimately based on its human resource or social capital. Education and training are the primary vehicles of developing this resource. Funding of formal construction craft skills training at trade institutions in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is examined, using Zambia as a country case study. The data in the research were collected via semi-structured questionnaire interviews directed at government financed trades training schools offering construction programmes in Zambia. Results of the research show that formal construction craft skills training in Zambia has not been adequately funded over the years resulting in: ill-qualified low numbers of poorly remunerated teaching staff; poorly maintained infrastructure and workshop facilities not well equipped for teaching purposes; and out-dated curricula of construction craft programmes. A wide range of measures is required to improve funding for construction craft skills training. These include: increased training regulation and co-ordination by government, development of efficient and effective funding mechanisms that involve employers of crafts-persons, and training provision frameworks that encourage increased involvement of private training providers.
Nyabwengi, L M and K’Akumu, O A (2019) An evaluation of property tax base in Nairobi city. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(02), 184–99.
Oshodi, O S, Thwala, W D, Odubiyi, T B, Abidoye, R B and Aigbavboa, C O (2019) Using neural network model to estimate the rental price of residential properties. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(02), 217–30.
Rachmawati, F, Mudjahidin, M and Dewi Widowati, E (2024) Work rate modeling of building construction projects using system dynamic to optimize project cost and time performance. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 213–25.
Radvan, M (2019) Municipal charges on communal waste: do they compete with the immovable property tax?. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 24(02), 148–65.
Ribeiro, D B, Coutinho, A R, Satyro, W C, Campos, F C, Lima, C R C, Contador, J C and Gonçalves, R F (2024) The DAWN readiness model to assess the level of use of Industry 4.0 technologies in the construction industry in Brazil. Construction Innovation, 24(02), 515-36.
Ruchinskaya, T (1996) The contribution of the Scottish architect Adam Menelaws to Moscow architecture in the early 19th century. Building Research & Information, 24(02), 75–80.
Ruchinskaya, T (1996) The introduction of the architectural scheme of York Gate (1825, Regent's Park, London) in Moscow at the beginning of the 19th century. Building Research & Information, 24(02), 69–74.
Sambasivan, M, Deepak, T J, Salim, A N and Ponniah, V (2017) Analysis of delays in Tanzanian construction industry: Transaction cost economics and structural equation modeling approach. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(02), 308-25.
Sanyal, A P and Bhattacharya, S P (2024) A comparative analysis between CBR based prediction models and mra models for high-rise construction delay prediction. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 124–36.
Schröpfer, V L M, Tah, J and Kurul, E (2017) Mapping the knowledge flow in sustainable construction project teams using social network analysis. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(02), 229-59.
Seneviratne, K, Amaratunga, D and Haigh, R (2017) Managing housing needs of post conflict housing reconstruction: Sri Lankan perspective. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(02), 275-88.
Shohet, I M and Paciuk, M (2006) Service life prediction of exterior cladding components under failure conditions. Construction Management and Economics, 24(02), 131-48.
Solanki, A, Sarkar, D and Shah, D (2024) Evaluation of factors affecting the effective implementation of internet of things and cloud computing in the construction industry through waspas and TOPSIS methods. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(02), 226–39.
Wong, J K W, Maghrebi, M, Ahmadian Fard Fini, A, Alizadeh Golestani, M A, Ahmadnia, M and Er, M (2024) Development of a refined illumination and reflectance approach for optimal construction site interior image enhancement. Construction Innovation, 24(02), 470-91.
Yadav, N, Sadeghi, N and Kang, J (2024) Five factors affecting the on-body placement of wearable tactile safety promotion device for construction workers-on-foot. Construction Innovation, 24(02), 537-57.
Zhang, H, Li, H and Tam, C M (2006) Heuristic scheduling of resource-constrained, multiple-mode and repetitive projects. Construction Management and Economics, 24(02), 159-69.
Zhang, P, Harris, F C and Olomolaiye, P O (1996) A computer-based model for optimizing the location of a single tower crane. Building Research & Information, 24(02), 113–23.