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Adams, F K (2006) Expert elicitation and Bayesian analysis of construction contract risks: an investigation. Construction Management and Economics, 24(01), 81-96.

Adedokun, O, Egbelakin, T and Omotayo, T (2024) Random forest and path diagram taxonomies of risks influencing higher education construction projects. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 66–74.

Aibinu, A A (2006) The relationship between distribution of control, fairness and potential for dispute in the claims handling process. Construction Management and Economics, 24(01), 45-54.

Alcaraz Carrillo de Albornoz, V, Ke, Y and Molina Millán, J (2024) Public-private partnerships: Pro-cyclical or counter-cyclical? An empirical study. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 97–107.

Andi (2006) The importance and allocation of risks in Indonesian construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 24(01), 69-80.

Arif, M, Al Zubi, M, Gupta, A D, Egbu, C, Walton, R O and Islam, R (2017) Knowledge sharing maturity model for Jordanian construction sector. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(01), 170-88.

Asiedu, R O, Frempong, N K and Alfen, H W (2017) Predicting likelihood of cost overrun in educational projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(01), 21-39.

Assaf, S A and Barhamain, S Y (1996) Factors affecting construction practices in Makkah Al-Mukkaramah, Saudi Arabia. Building Research & Information, 24(01), 27–30.

Assaf, S A, Al-Musallami, A I and Shash, A A (1996) Professional architectural/engineering consultancy practices in Saudi Arabia. Building Research & Information, 24(01), 59–62.

Bubshait, A A, Tahir, B M and Jannadi, M O (1996) Use of microsilica in concrete construction. Building Research & Information, 24(01), 41–9.

Chang-Richards, Y, Wilkinson, S, Seville, E and Brunsdon, D (2017) Effects of a major disaster on skills shortages in the construction industry: Lessons learned from New Zealand. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(01), 2-20.

Dann, N, Hills, S and Worthing, D (2006) Assessing how organizations approach the maintenance management of listed buildings. Construction Management and Economics, 24(01), 97-104.

Davies, K, McMeel, D J and Wilkinson, S (2017) Making friends with Frankenstein: Hybrid practice in BIM. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(01), 78-93.

Dawood, N and Sriprasert, E (2006) Construction scheduling using multi-constraint and genetic algorithms approach. Construction Management and Economics, 24(01), 19-30.

De Silva, G, Perera, B and Rodrigo, M (2019) Adaptive reuse of buildings: the case of Sri Lanka. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 24(01), 79–96.

Doukari, O, Kassem, M, Scoditti, E, Aguejdad, R and Greenwood, D (2024) A BIM based tool for evaluating building renovation strategies: the case of three demonstration sites in different European countries. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 365-83.

Enshassi, A (1996) Materials control and waste on building sites. Building Research & Information, 24(01), 31–4.

Faraji, A, Homayoon Arya, S, Ghasemi, E, Rashidi, M, Perera, S, Tam, V and Rahnamayiezekavat, P (2024) A conceptual framework of decentralized blockchain integrated system based on building information modeling to steering digital administration of disputes in the IPD contracts. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 384-406.

Friedman, A and Cammalleri, V (1996) The impact of R-2000 building technology on Canadian housing. Building Research & Information, 24(01), 5–13.

Garip, S B, Güzelci, O Z, Garip, E and Kocabay, S (2024) A genetic algorithm-based design model to provide reduced risk areas for housing interiors. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 49-66.

Gledson, B, Zulu, S L, Saad, A M and Ponton, H (2024) Digital leadership framework to support firm-level digital transformations for Construction 4.0. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 341-64.

Hao, Z, Wang, Y, Zhang, Y and Gong, E (2024) Evolutionary game analysis of stakeholders in villages-in-city reconstruction: Pazhou village as an example. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 31–43.

Huang, Y C (2006) Graphical-based multistage scheduling method for RC buildings. Construction Management and Economics, 24(01), 5-18.

Jowett, B, Edwards, D J and Kassem, M (2024) Field BIM and mobile BIM technologies: a requirements taxonomy and its interactions with construction management functions. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 134-63.

K.V., P, V., V, R., V and Bhat, N (2019) Analysis of causes of delay in Indian construction projects and mitigation measures. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 24(01), 58–78.

Kärnä, S and Junnonen, J-M (2017) Designers’ performance evaluation in construction projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(01), 154-69.

Kalutara, P, Zhang, G, Setunge, S and Wakefield, R (2017) Factors that influence Australian community buildings’ sustainable management. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(01), 94-117.

Karunasena, G, Gajanayake, A, Wijeratne, W M P U, Milne, N, Udawatta, N, Perera, S, Crimston, A and Aliviano, P (2024) Liquid waste management in the construction sector: A systematic literature review. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 86–96.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: construction; liquid waste; liquid waste management; systematic literature review; wastewater
  • ISBN/ISSN: 1562-3599
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/15623599.2023.2211416
  • Abstract:

    Liquid waste from construction sites can cause significant negative social, economic and environmental impacts. Generally, liquid waste from construction-related trades’ activities, such as product mixing, application and tool washing; stormwater run-off; and leaching of construction material, can pollute surface soil, water bodies and groundwater sources. Therefore, construction projects must have proper management of construction-related liquid waste. This study therefore undertook a systematic literature review (SLR) to analyse the literature on liquid waste management in construction projects. The study used the PRISMA (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses (method)) framework, and the bibliometric tool, VOSviewer, to analyse and present its findings. The SLR process identified and analysed 49 papers, published between 1992 and 2022, and found that liquid waste management was an often-overlooked area within the construction sector. The review identified three liquid waste focus areas: sources and composition of construction liquid waste; construction liquid waste control methods; and construction liquid waste management. The study’s findings identified a lack of integration between research on liquid waste management and research studies on construction site water pollution. The study’s contribution highlights the current progress of construction liquid waste management research and identifies the need for future research on efficient and effective implementation of liquid waste management practices in construction projects.

Leung, M-Y, Liu, A M M and Wong, M M-k (2006) Impact of stress-coping behaviour on estimation performance. Construction Management and Economics, 24(01), 55-67.

Likita, A J, Jelodar, M B, Vishnupriya, V and Rotimi, J O B (2024) Lean and BIM integration benefits construction management practices in New Zealand. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 106-33.

Lisco, M and Aulin, R (2024) Taxonomy supporting design strategies for reuse of building parts in timber-based construction. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 221-41.

Lu, W, Hua, Y and Zhang, S (2017) Logistic regression analysis for factors influencing cost performance of design-bid-build and design-build projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(01), 118-32.

Lu, W, Li, Z and Wang, S (2017) The role of justice for cooperation and contract’s moderating effect in construction dispute negotiation. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(01), 133-53.

Mahamedi, E, Wonders, M, Gerami Seresht, N, Woo, W L and Kassem, M (2024) A reinforcing transfer learning approach to predict buildings energy performance. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 242-55.

Mallawaarachchi, V T, Senanayake, S M A H, Disaratna, V and Perera, B A K S (2024) Application of subcontracting as a quality improvement tool for building constructions in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 44–56.

Matoseiro Dinis, F, Rodrigues, R and Pedro da Silva Poças Martins, J (2024) Development and validation of natural user interfaces for semantic enrichment of BIM models using open formats. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 196-220.

Mbachu, J and Nkado, R (2006) Conceptual framework for assessment of client needs and satisfaction in the building development process. Construction Management and Economics, 24(01), 31-44.

Mohamed Abdelhaleem, H (2024) International green building systems and Egyptian green pyramid system: A comparative study. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 57–65.

Osei-Kyei, R, Chan, A P, Yao, Y and Mazher, K M (2019) Conflict prevention measures for public–private partnerships in developing countries. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 24(01), 39–57.

Parisi, F, Sangiorgio, V, Parisi, N, Mangini, A M, Fanti, M P and Adam, J M (2024) A new concept for large additive manufacturing in construction: tower crane-based 3D printing controlled by deep reinforcement learning. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 8-32.

Philip, B and AlJassmi, H (2024) Time-series forecasting of road distress parameters using dynamic Bayesian belief networks. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 317-40.

Rampini, L and Re Cecconi, F (2024) Synthetic images generation for semantic understanding in facility management. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 33-48.

Rezaee Arjroody, A, Hosseini, S A, Akhbari, M, Safa, E and Asadpour, J (2024) Accurate estimation of cost and time utilizing risk analysis and simulation (case study: Road construction projects in Iran). International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 19–30.

Saif, W and Alshibani, A (2024) A close-range photogrammetric model for tracking and performance-based forecasting earthmoving operations. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 164-95.

Santoso, D S and Bourpanus, N (2019) Moving to e-bidding. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 24(01), 2–18.

Sarkar, A, Godbole, P N and Chakrabarti, S C (1996) Potential for expert systems in the assessment and repair of fire damaged buildings in India. Building Research & Information, 24(01), 51–8.

Sati, A and Al-Tabtabai, H (2024) A paradigm shift toward the application of blockchain in enhancing quality information management. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 407-24.

Semaan, N and Salem, M (2017) A deterministic contractor selection decision-support system for competitive bidding. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(01), 61-77.

Shahtaheri, M, Haas, C T and Salimi, T (2017) A multi-dimensional joint confidence limit approach to mixed mode planning for round-the-clock projects. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 24(01), 40-60.

Singh, A, Kumar, V, Mittal, A and Verma, P (2024) Identifying critical challenges to lean construction adoption. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 67-105.

Singh, J and Anumba, C J (2024) Building commissioning process and documentation: A literature review and directions for future research. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 75–85.

Singla, H K and Samanta, P K (2019) Determinants of dividend payout of construction companies: a panel data analysis. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction, 24(01), 19–38.

Tembo, C K, Muleya, F and Kanyemba, A (2024) An appraisal of cost management techniques used in the construction industry. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 10–8.

Thomas, H R, Rees, S W and Lloyd, R M (1996) Measured heat losses through a real ground floor slab. Building Research & Information, 24(01), 15–26.

Velho Júnior, V E, Costa Melo, I, Alves Junior, P N and Rebelatto, D A d N (2019) Analysis of real estate management of lease service agreements by the public sector of a Latin American metropolis. Journal of Financial Management of Property and Construction , 24(01), 97–122.

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Yin, Z, Caldas, C and de Oliveira, D (2024) Identification of business-project management processes that improve capital efficiency of downstream and chemical projects. International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 1–9.

Yu, J, Zhong, H and Bolpagni, M (2024) Integrating blockchain with building information modelling (BIM): a systematic review based on a sociotechnical system perspective. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 280-316.

Zani, A, Speroni, A, Mainini, A G, Zinzi, M, Caldas, L and Poli, T (2024) Customized shading solutions for complex building façades: the potential of an innovative cement-textile composite material through a performance-based generative design. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 256-79.