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Adams, F K (2006) Expert elicitation and Bayesian analysis of construction contract risks: an investigation. Construction Management and Economics, 24(01), 81-96.

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Faraji, A, Homayoon Arya, S, Ghasemi, E, Rashidi, M, Perera, S, Tam, V and Rahnamayiezekavat, P (2024) A conceptual framework of decentralized blockchain integrated system based on building information modeling to steering digital administration of disputes in the IPD contracts. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 384-406.

Friedman, A and Cammalleri, V (1996) The impact of R-2000 building technology on Canadian housing. Building Research & Information, 24(01), 5–13.

Garip, S B, Güzelci, O Z, Garip, E and Kocabay, S (2024) A genetic algorithm-based design model to provide reduced risk areas for housing interiors. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 49-66.

  • Type: Journal Article
  • Keywords: earthquake; genetic algorithms; housing interiors; natural disaster; nonstructural earthquake damage; nsga ii
  • URL: https://doi.org/10.1108/CI-12-2022-0334
  • Abstract:
    Purpose: This study aims to present a novel Genetic Algorithm-Based Design Model (GABDM) to provide reduced-risk areas, namely, a “safe footprint,” in interior spaces during earthquakes. This study focuses on housing interiors as the space where inhabitants spend most of their daily lives. Design/methodology/approach: The GABDM uses the genetic algorithm as a method, the Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II algorithm, and the Wallacei X evolutionary optimization engine. The model setup, including inputs, constraints, operations and fitness functions, is presented, as is the algorithmic model’s running procedure. Following the development phase, GABDM is tested with a sample housing interior designed by the authors based on the literature related to earthquake risk in interiors. The implementation section is organized to include two case studies. Findings: The implementation of GABDM resulted in optimal “safe footprint” solutions for both case studies. However, the results show that the fitness functions achieved in Case Study 1 differed from those achieved in Case Study 2. Furthermore, Case Study 2 has generated more successful (higher ranking) “safe footprint” alternatives with its proposed furniture system. Originality/value: This study presents an original approach to dealing with earthquake risks in the context of interior design, as well as the development of a design model (GABDM) that uses a generative design method to reduce earthquake risks in interior spaces. By introducing the concept of a “safe footprint,” GABDM contributes explicitly to the prevention of earthquake risk. GABDM is adaptable to other architectural typologies that involve footprint and furniture relationships. © 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited.

Gledson, B, Zulu, S L, Saad, A M and Ponton, H (2024) Digital leadership framework to support firm-level digital transformations for Construction 4.0. Construction Innovation, 24(01), 341-64.

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Rezaee Arjroody, A, Hosseini, S A, Akhbari, M, Safa, E and Asadpour, J (2024) Accurate estimation of cost and time utilizing risk analysis and simulation (case study: Road construction projects in Iran). International Journal of Construction Management, 24(01), 19–30.

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